Modern Workplace Maturity Assessment

Is your organisation ready for a digital workplace transformation?

The right path for your modern workplace transformation journey

Where does your modern workplace transformation begin? All organisations have different starting-points, market demands and strategic aspirations. Technology opens huge possibilities, but successful change requires strategic direction, a secure design and buy-in from internal stakeholders. 

Start with a comprehensive approach that encompasses all the relevant technical dependencies, governance, security and organisational requirements. 

Assess your current state of play and get clarity on where to begin

With companies forced to immediately switch from physical to virtual workplaces, COVID-19 has accelerated existing or planned workplace transformation projects.

Combined with the rapid adoption of cloud services, this has led to challenges in terms of the performance of the technology deployed, security issues around protecting intellectual property, and regulatory compliance problems.

To make workforce transformation work you must prepare your organisation on three levels: toolset, skillset and mindset.

We help you find out if your company is ready for the digital workplace experience and what steps need to be taken, to make your digital workplace project a success. 

In three steps process we evaluate critical aspects of successful modern workplace design.

During the evaluation phase, we do an analysis and summarise the findings to give you an outside in view and benchmark. The reframe phase builds on the previous two steps to define a desired target state and ultimately enable us to build with you a sustainable digital modern workplace experience.

  • Your business objectives are aligned with the relevant legal requirements
  • You’re aware of the current status and health of your modern workplace project and have recommendations for how to adjust it

Modern Workplace services

Our modular service map helps you shape your modern workplace transformation programme and assures thorough implementation of customised tools and technology.

Check out our service offering. 

Contact us

Urs Küderli

Urs Küderli

Partner and Leader Cybersecurity and Privacy, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 42 21

Rafael Dauth

Rafael Dauth

Modern Workplace Advisor, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 29 34