Transparency Report 2023

Committed to quality - Quality assurance builds trust

Highest quality audit services

While the effects of the pandemic have abated, geopolitical developments continue to unsettle the global order. The world has changed fundamentally, and in many ways has become more uncertain. Trust has therefore become more important than ever: without it, business, and society as a whole, would be unable to function.

Helping assure a foundation of trust is fundamental to our firm’s purpose. You could say it is our core business. One of the most important ways of building trust is being transparent; hence this, our latest Transparency Report.

Once again, our Transparency Report for 2023 documents our efforts to maintain the quality of our audit work – arguably the most important contribution we make to building trust. You will find information on our policies, systems and processes for ensuring quality, the outcomes of key quality monitoring programmes and reviews, and our endeavours to encourage a culture of quality at every level. You will also find details of the companies we audited and the total revenue generated by our audit and non-audit work.

In last year’s report we expressed the fact that we welcome the public debate that arises from transparency on audit quality. I would like to reiterate this commitment. We continue to put PwC’s audit inspection results on the public record as well as disclose how we are performing against other key measures of quality, including our internal inspection findings. Again, this year’s report presents a selection of such results.

By stepping up transparency we are also challenging ourselves, in effect raising the benchmark in terms of the quality we and our stakeholders expect us to deliver. Ultimately, we want to ensure that our regulator considers that we have obtained reasonable assurance in all audit areas. We continue to drive a quality improvement plan aimed at achieving precisely this goal.

Continuing the discussion on audit quality

Our investment in continuously improving audit quality continues to reflect the fundamental strategic importance of our audit business. In addition to state-of-the-art systems and technology, our investment focuses on risk processes, real-time assurance on engagements, a healthy consultation and speak-up culture, and learning and development opportunities for our people. We are committed to leading by example – in terms of both the quality of our audit work and our transparency in reporting on it – and our investment mirrors this commitment.

Daniel Ketterer

Daniel Ketterer
Quality & Regulatory Partner
PwC Switzerland

The quality of our work is at the heart of the PwC network and we invest significant and increasing resources in the continuous enhancement of quality across our network.

Transparency Report 2023


PwC network

PwC Switzerland is the leading audit and advisory company in Switzerland. As an independent member of the international PwC network, we help organisations and individuals create the value they are looking for. Whether your needs are international or local, large or small, we are on hand to serve as your partner for assurance, tax and advisory.

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Our apporach to quality

At PwC, we define quality service as one that consistently meets the expectations of our stakeholders and which complies with all applicable standards and policies. An important part of delivering against this quality definition is building a culture across a network of 327,000 people that emphasises that quality is the responsibility of everyone, including our 3,677 people in Switzerland. Continuing to enhance this culture of quality is a significant area of focus for our global and local leadership teams, and one which plays a key part in the measurement of their performance. 

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Our people

Our people strategy was developed in support of our broader business strategy, The New Equation. We’re focused on being the world’s leading developer of talent and enabling our people with greater agility and confidence in a rapidly changing world. Specific focus areas include creating a resilient foundation for times of change through supporting the well-being of our people and enabling effective delivery, developing inclusive leaders for a shifting world, and enabling our workforce for today’s realities and tomorrow’s possibilities.

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Our audit approach

The quality and effectiveness of an audit is critical to all of our stakeholders. We therefore invest heavily in the effectiveness of our audits, the skills of our people, our underlying audit methodology, by the technology we use, and in making the right amount of time and resources available. We pay close attention to the internal indicators and processes that routinely monitor the effectiveness of our risk and quality processes, and provide timely information about the quality of our audit work and any areas for improvement. Additionally, we consider what our various stakeholders require from us, what they tell us we need to improve and the findings of regulatory inspections on the quality of our work.

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We recognise that quality in the assurance services we deliver to clients is critical to maintaining the confidence of investors and other stakeholders in the integrity of our work. It’s a key element of our assurance strategy.

Responsibility for appropriate quality management lies with the leadership of PricewaterhouseCoopers AG. This includes the design and operation of an effective System of Quality Management (SoQM) that’s responsive to our specific risks to delivering quality audit engagements, using the network’s QMSE framework.

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Contact us

Daniel Ketterer

Daniel Ketterer

Quality & Regulatory Partner, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 26 02