Program and Process for Finance Transformation

Where should your finance transformation begin?

Digitization is profoundly changing how organizations in every industry operate. The question isn’t whether you need to transform—it’s where you need to start. And the starting line is different for every business. 

Our finance transformation solution meets businesses like yours wherever you are in your transformation journey. Working with finance leaders across the organization, we help you understand how macro trends are impacting your business, and how you can use digital capabilities to respond effectively and gain efficiencies. Our approach is sprints, not a marathon. We partner with you in small, efficient teams, and using our iterative process, enable rapid and incremental change that delivers immediate results.

Start anywhere. Finish first.

Our modern finance transformation solution offers seven connected, digitally powered offerings to help your organization innovate.

We have designed our offerings to help you tailor and accelerate your transformation, based on your people, process and performance goals.

Build teams that thrive

Does your workforce need upskilling to adopt and embrace digital transformation?

The finance workforce of the future is critical to your success. To achieve it, businesses must focus on improving digital literacy, investing in data analytics and science skills and promoting interdisciplinary teams to foster new approaches. Our Finance Workforce of the Future offering will help your organization become digitally savvy and develop an operating model (with human and bot role structures) for sustained growth into the future.


Modernize your workplace

Is your workforce siloed and struggling with productivity despite the number of technologies and tools available to them? Are you struggling with designing a cohesive experience for your people to work smarter and faster?

Our Finance Modern Workplace empowers finance organizations with the technology and structure to address the continuously evolving business environment and workforce, which is highly mobile, geographically diverse and driven by data and technology. We've developed a one-stop, virtual collaboration hub, configured with the finance professional in mind to bring together real-time collaboration, performance insights, workflow automation and intelligent technology in a single platform to streamline the core activities of your workforce.


Automate your processes

Do you spend too much time on transactional activities instead of drawing insights from your business? Do you know the best places to use automation to improve process efficiencies?

Automation can improve efficiency, but it can’t fix a broken process. That’s why, before we consider your automation strategy, we first use our leading practices and process capabilities to ensure your processes are sound. Then we work with you to identify the right opportunities to simplify, accelerate or re-design your processes and apply effective automation tactics for high-impact return.


Predict enterprise risk

How do you confidently manage compliance and proactively identify and address risks?

Our cross-system analytics solution helps reduce manual processes, quickly identify risks and enable compliance while allowing for real-time strategic insights. With a reporting portal and the ability to workflow results, this content-rich monitoring platform supports a data-driven approach to managing business process risks and controls. By analyzing the accuracy of transactional data and confirming system configurations and user access security, our solution identifies critical areas within processes and systems that can add cost and risk to a business.

Preconfigure your Cloud ERP

Are you putting off a new ERP implementation or upgrade? The time to start your transformation is now.

Shift and upgrade your existing ERP to deliver new finance capabilities in public or private clouds. Our finance transformation solution makes this process faster and smoother with our preconfigured cloud ERP offerings. We have embedded our industry-specific expertise and cloud ERP best practices into preconfigured solutions to get you on a rapid path to success.


Innovation. Fast results. Powered by technology.

Our solution is enabled by the four cloud-based technologies from our Alliance partners and infused with best practices, accelerators and learnings gleaned from our own experience leading clients to the transformation finish line.

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Enable your digital core

Do you have a centralized source of enterprise data? Does your team spend more time on data gathering than data analysis and insight?

Imagine a finance function that:
● Produces in-the-moment financial performance insights and connects them to operational levers, rather than running reports on past periods
● Detects anomalies or trends embedded at a transaction level
● Works seamlessly with tech-savvy functional peers to uncover new sources of value across your organization
● Uses Tax analytics to assist company-wide decision-making while responding to regulatory change

By taking advantage of our connected, self-service data offering, you will be able to fast-track your adoption of emerging technologies to build an analytics-ready organization.


Drive your performance excellence agenda

You have the data, but can you harness critical business insights quickly to drive performance improvements?

The finance organization plays a crucial role in driving value creation across the business. Our finance transformation solution will help you to map your path: from redesigning what you measure via key performance indicators, to deploying analytics for assisted insights and adopting machine-learning and AI-driven planning, modeling and performance forecasting.


Ready to get started?

Whether you begin your transformation with people, process or performance, we will help you finish first with a finance function that is highly efficient and leading the organization in value creation and performance excellence.  Let’s find your starting line.

Let's connect

Learn more about Finance Transformation


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Contact us

Maurice-Oliver Nipper

Maurice-Oliver Nipper

Advisory Director, Leader Finance Transformation, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 15 76