Clive Bellingham

Former PwC Partner in Assurance and Advisory

On 26 September each year, the auditing profession around the world celebrates Auditor Proud Day and reminds us about the crucial role of trust in our business. At PwC we cherish this day every day. Generations of auditors shaped the future we’re living in today and will be moving on tomorrow. So did Clive, retired Partner at PwC and Vice President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.

Hear more about Clive’s experiences during a discussion with Alena, a young auditor who is at the beginning of her career. In this interview you’ll learn more about how audit is perceived through different generations, what the future holds and why Clive is #Auditorproud.

Learn more about the international Auditor Proud Day and hear from our employees who have the passion and skills to make a difference in Audit. Read through their experiences and proud moments at PwC on our homepage.

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