Career Events

Get to know us in person

Discover our range of career events designed to provide you with unique insights into our workplace and career options at PwC. You'll have the chance to connect with our employees, ask questions about our career entry opportunities, and expand your professional network. 

PwC Employees

Meet us in our offices

Explore and sign up to the career events hosted in our offices across Switzerland, organised by our recruiters and experts.

Meet us at external events

Our recruiters and experts regularly attend career events across Switzerland to answer your questions and discuss career opportunities at PwC.

Event name Date Location
HSG Workshop: M&A Value Creation through Data & Analytics 04.03.2025 St. Gallen (Campus HSG) 
HSG Talents: Fair 05.03.2025 Olma Messen St.Gallen
Conecto ZHAW  06.03.2025 Eulachhallen Winterthur 
FH OST: Kontaktgespräch Wirtschaft 12.03.2025 OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Forum Legal Uni Lausanne 18.03.2025 Université de Lausanne
FHNW Career Day 18.03.2025 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Brugg-Windisch
UZH Job Hub: Fair 19.03.2025 Universität Zürich
HSLU Kontaktgespräch 26.03.2025 Hochschule Luzern, Rotkreuz
Absolvierenden-Messe Bern 26.03.2025 BERNEXPO
Career Event Universität Luzern 27.03.2025 Universität Luzern
ZHAW Rotation Dinner 01.04.2025 Restaurant Bloom Winterthur
Career Days HEG Genève 03.04.2025 HEG Genève
ETH Polymesse 03.04.2025 ETH Zürich
CareerFairy - Actuarial 10.04.2025 Virtual
The Long Night of Careers @ USI 15.04.2025 USI Lugano
HSG Law Days 24.04.2025 Olma Messen St.Gallen
FHNW Basel Lunch-Event 30.04.2025 FHNW Basel
Universität Liechtenstein: Lunchevent 08.05.2025 Universität Liechtenstein

Career event highlights

Contact us

Brian Alahapperuma

Talent Acquisition – Events & Relations, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 49 99


Aline Vandecasteele

Talent Acquisition – Events & Relations, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 49 99


Caroline Poncet

Talent Acquisition – Events & Relations, Geneva, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 49 99
