Daniel Kapetanovic

Advisory Director in Financial Services at PwC

Daniel is Advisory Director in Financial Services at PwC. But did you know? Daniel is a re-joiner and has an exciting story to tell about his coming home.

Why did you decide to ‘come home again’?

I missed the freshness and liveliness of PwC and I wanted to give something back to my colleagues from my experience in the financial services industry. Two colleagues and I proposed expanding the Finance Technology and Finance Transformation offerings in Financial Services at PwC. They accepted and I re-joined PwC in 2021. It felt like coming home. Top people with the will and enthusiasm to learn and make a difference together.

Today I am Advisory Director in Financial Services with a focus on finance transformation. Compared to earlier, internal process, controls and governance are more rigid. What has not changed is meeting and working with so many interested and motivated colleagues. The collaboration and the spirit are inspiring. It’s never too late to come back to PwC.

I missed the freshness and liveliness of PwC and I wanted to give something back to my colleagues from my experience in the financial services industry.

Daniel Kapetanovic,Advisory Directory in Financial Services at PwC
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