Erdal Atici

Former PwC Senior Associate in Assurance

My name is Erdal Atici and I was an auditor at PwC from 2014 to 2019. After leaving PwC, I worked as Group Accountant and Controller at HIAG, a listed real estate company. I’d just like to share with you why my time at PwC was so rewarding and why I’m still in regular contact with my former colleagues.
PwC Alum Erdal Atici
Why did I choose to join PwC?

During my studies I gave my future career a lot of thought. This included attending various events, including a career day held by PwC at FHNW Basel. Although the Big 4 offered more or less the same opportunities on paper, in real life I was most impressed by PwC’s auditors. Even back then I knew that PwC was the best place for me not only to start my career, but also to win new friends.

I worked as an auditor and was part of several teams auditing companies in the trade, industrial and services sectors. The highlight of my development at PwC was passing the CPA exams – a success I was able to share with all my colleagues and superiors at PwC.

Why did I decide to leave? How did my coach respond?

The fact is, at that time it was important for me to gain new insights. So the decision was less about leaving PwC and more about changing sides from auditor to preparer. Now I’m audited by the auditors! I still meet with my former coach: a long-term friendship that had already developed during my time at PwC.

After leaving PwC, I worked as Group Accountant and Controller at HIAG, a listed company that publishes its consolidated financial statements according to Swiss GAAP FER. This means that I was able to apply practically all the knowledge I had acquired during my time at PwC.

I still meet with my former coach: a long-term friendship that had already developed during my time at PwC.

Erdal Atici,PwC Alumnus
What do I miss?

The incredibly dynamic, active environment and strong teamwork. You’re in a daily tornado of changes, and you expand your knowledge and skills on a daily basis.

In terms of social contact, I’d love to meet people again at a PwC event or after-work party. Unfortunately, just after I left PwC, COVID-19 started, so everything stood still. But I plan to attend events in the future.

Another thing I miss is the funny moments that come when you’re part of different teams. There’s a rich diversity of different employees at PwC, which is a great opportunity to pick up on the funny characteristics of every cultural background.

On an informal basis I’m in constant contact with my colleagues from PwC. We communicate via social media, direct calls or messages, and meet for lunch or dinner.

Why it’s important for me to stay in touch with PwC

Working for PwC is very instructive and intense. You get to know each other more quickly, and sometimes have a lot to do with each other. My former PwC colleagues and I find that these experiences have strengthened us in our current positions. I’d be very happy to see further possibilities to exchange to strengthen the community and cohesion between people who have shared this experience.

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Vera Messner

Vera Messner

Marketing Consultant, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 24 41

Sarah Julmy

Sarah Julmy

Talent Programmes Specialist, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 49 99