Public Interest Committee

The Public Interest Committee at PwC Switzerland is aimed at enhancing the strategic direction, client relationships and industry reputation of PwC Switzerland. The management team of PwC Switzerland consists solely of active partners, so PwC Switzerland has voluntarily given itself a PIC to provide independent input. The committee offers external perspectives on business matters, including economics, law, regulations, strategy, client relations, leadership, recruitment and technology.


Members of the Public Interest Committee:

  • Prof. Dr. Georg F. von Krogh @ ETH Zurich (Chairman PwC Public Interest Committee)
    Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics. Chair of the Global Advisory Board at ETH Zurich, Chair of the International Advisory Board of the Norwegian Research Council (RCN), and former member of the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
  • Martin Bosshardt @ Anapaya Systems
    IT/Cyber technology specialist, CEO/Investor Anapaya Systems (providing SCiON-based networking software and solutions – a new internet technology for more secure and more reliable online networks); former CEO Open Systems, Chairman Westhive Coworking Ecosystems
  • Marc Jaquet @ Jaquet Partners AG
    Entrepreneur & Family Office Investor; Chairman of the BoD of Sauter, EAO AG, Spaeter Gruppe, AOT AG; former president of Employer Association Basel
  • Prof. Dr. Öykü Isik @ IMD
    Professor of Digital Strategy and Cybersecurity at IMD Business School in Switzerland. Leads IMD’s Cybersecurity Strategy and Risk programme and co-leads the AI for Business Sprint
  • Regine Sauter, Dr. rer. publ. HSG @ various BoD mandates
    FDP politician in the Swiss National Council; member of the Committee for Science, Education and Culture (WBK) and Vice-President of the Committee for Social Security and Health (SGK); various (board of directors) mandates.


Gema Olivar Pascual

Partner and General Counsel of PwC Switzerland, Zurich, PwC Switzerland


Gustav Baldinger

CEO, Zurich, PwC Switzerland
