Online Diversity & Inclusion Course

A PwC Academy online course for professionals interested in developing skills and techniques to make their workplace more inclusive

About the PwC Academy's Diversity & Inclusion Course

This 7-module training has been built for professionals from all industries and company sizes with interest in building and managing a diverse and effective workforce. It offers the opportunity to learn how to make a workplace inclusive to all and provides you with practical tools and techniques, backed by academic research, proven to drive change in the workplace.

The Diversity & Inclusion Course has been designed based on our D&I maturity model in order to better support organisations in their D&I journey.

The dates of the next edition of this course will be communicated soon. If you are interested to attend a future edition, please let us know.

General information


The Diversity & Inclusion Course includes 7 modules. You may attend all or part of the modules, depending on your needs. Each module will be composed as following:

8.30 am - 9.15 am                                 Theory
Our experts will share key principles during this first part of the training.
9.15 am - 10.00 am                                                                Breakout session and debriefing
Participants will work in small groups on practical cases. The entire class will then get back together to share the takeaways of the breakout sessions. 
10.00 am - 10.30 am Break
10.30 am - 11.15 am Theory
After the break, participants will be invited to join the meeting again for a second part of theory.
11.15 am - 12.00 pm                                                                             Breakout session and debriefing
Participants will work again in small groups on practical cases and then share the takeaways with the entire class.


This course will be held in English.


Kindly note that this course will not be recorded as we would like to offer participants a space in which they can freely share and exchange.

Cancellation policy

You can cancel your registration without any fee until 4 weeks before the course. Between 4 and 2 weeks before the course you will be charged a fee of 50% of the course price, and and after that the full price will be charged. You may nominate someone to attend in your place.

Module 1 Building and implementing a D&I strategy to develop an inclusive workplace

To unlock the benefits of Diversity & Inclusion in your organisation, you need a D&I strategy. But how can you develop an effective D&I strategy? And what strategic levers do you need to prioritise for a successful implementation?
Date and schedule More information will be available soon. If you are interested to attend a future edition, please let us know.
Learning objectives
  • Applying a comprehensive D&I maturity model to define a clear strategy
  • Understanding the strategic implications of key D&I trends
  • Identifying and prioritising strategic levers to make the D&I strategy a reality

Contact us

Marina Gorra

Marina Gorra

Senior Marketing Consultant, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 93 65

Johannes (Joop) Smits

Johannes (Joop) Smits

Partner, People and Organisation, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 91 64