While the ESG shift continues to bring exciting opportunities to the asset management industry, managers in Switzerland are also facing significant challenges in interpreting and implementing EU regulations, understanding local market practices both in Switzerland and abroad, and addressing data transparency issues and greenwashing risks.
With this series of short webinars, we aim to bring concise and practical information and guidance to asset managers in Switzerland, helping them tackle the challenges brought by ESG.
In the eighth episode of the series, our focus is on the updated AMAS self-regulation on sustainability. In June 2024, the Federal Council recognised that the AMAS self-regulation adequately aligns with its stance on preventing greenwashing in the financial sector. As a result, the previously existing self-regulatory guidelines have been updated and enhanced, leading to a number of key changes and action points for asset managers in Switzerland.
We will discuss the updates and key changes to the self-regulation, including their practical implications and action points for Swiss asset managers. To delve deeper into these topics, we will be joined by an expert guest panel.
09:00 | Welcome and introduction
09:05 | Regulatory snapshot
09:10 | Overview of the updated self-regulation
09:25 | Discussion and Q&A panel "Updated AMAS self-regulation: key action points for asset managers"
In the seventh episode of the series, our focus was on the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. We’ve discussed the background and intentions of the initiative, before moving on to the practical challenges involved in implementation and best practices for overcoming them. We’ve also discussed Swiss-specific elements including the Swiss Climate Score. What’s more, we dived deeper into these topics with an expert guest panel including representatives from Swiss Sustainable Finance and Credit Suisse Asset Management.
Jack Armstrong
ESG Specialist Asset & Wealth Management, PwC Switzerland
Tel: +41 58 792 17 85
Partner, Sustainable Capital and Sustainability & Strategic Regulatory Leader, PwC Switzerland
Tel: +41 58 792 45 23