International organisations and non-governmental organisations

Rapid global change pushes non-profit and international organisations to be more relevant, more adaptable, and faster

Digitalisation, alignment with the SDG agenda, cross-organisational integration, global power shifts and redistribution of funding sources are major challenges that affect all international organisations. Their adaptability and their ability to shift gear and change course will decide their future. Leaders of international institutions and civil society organisations are required to make swift, effective decisions that will affect the future of their organisation in a fast-changing world. New ways of working are emerging, and their ability to adapt might result in lives saved, or lost.

At PwC, we believe in the power of perspective: harnessing cross-sectoral expertise, capturing experiences across the world and implementing tried-and-tested methodologies to support those who lead and manage change. We match dedicated teams and generate tailored responses. Then we walk the walk with you – from design to delivery.

Dominique Perron
Ralf Baumberger
GCP – Global Client Partner United Nations
PwC Switzerland

Priority areas

Rapid change requires agility and adaptability. International and civil society organisations only stay relevant if they quickly adapt to new requirements on the part of their beneficiaries, who want proof that an organisation is able to deliver impact on demand. Organisational change, however, is a comprehensive, long-term process based on a mutual understanding of what needs changing, and why. Organisations need to engage in a strategic transition, with a clear exchange of information. PwC believes that organisations can learn from one another. We use methodologies and tools that have proven effective across sectors; let us take your tailored solutions forward.

In the new digital age, disruption is the name of the game. The humanitarian and development landscape is becoming more inclusive, interconnected and multifaceted. Global governance and the stakeholder ecosystem are changing, resulting in a shift in financing that translates into new requirements. Such an increasingly technological and digitalised economy is changing the way people work: agile teams and resilient individuals need lifelong training. Change creates opportunities. PwC supports your workforce upskilling programmes for a strong organisational culture that fosters change. We use benchmarking tools and maturity assessments and deploy agile methodologies to co-create solutions that match your needs and culture. 

Recent financial and sanitary crises have further eroded trust. Donors, institutions and the public expect more transparency regarding how non-profit organisations are governed, how they operate and how they use their funds. They demand a clear impact. Digital technology initially appeared to increase the efficiency and transparency of operations, but has now become a liability. Data security breaches, cyberattacks, social media manipulation and the spread of fake news are picking holes in organisations. With our help you can establish sound risk management and ensure transparency and full accountability. Bridge the gap between speed, agility and responsiveness.

Organisations that can rethink how they engage with key stakeholders across their value chain – from donors to beneficiaries – will have a critical comparative advantage in an increasingly competitive funding environment. A new work environment needs to first develop and attract digital talent, bring down institutional silos and maximise the impact of investments. PwC has the capabilities to deliver intelligent automation, intuitive user experience, advanced analytics and omni-channel integration on a global scale. Our focus on your business needs, user experience and the technological solution itself will ensure you follow the most suitable approach, from design to delivery. 

Supporting you from strategy to implementation

Is your organisation fit for purpose?

  • Capability-driven strategic analysis
  • Organisational assessments
  • Decision rights design
  • Design of operating models
  • Governance arrangements
  • Transformation programmes

How do you strengthen trust with your key stakeholders?

  • Risk management
  • Compliance framework implementation
  • Lines of defense alignment
  • Internal audit sourcing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data governance
  • Media assurance
  • Investigations

Is your organisation delivering its full potential?

  • Organisation and process optimisation
  • Upskilling
  • Reviews of organisational culture
  • Procurement and sourcing
  • Enterprise agility

How do you lay the groundwork for target-oriented transformation?

  • IT transformation
  • Solution integration (e.g. CRM, e-sourcing, programme management)
  • Data management and analytics
  • Cybersecurity

For digital transformation in the public sector, we bring together everything - from strategy to implementation - to form an integrated approach

  • Digital strategy and impulse programmes
  • Governance and organisation-boosting digital transformation
  • Design and set-up of centres of excellence for digital transformation
  • User-centric design of public services
  • Agile government
  • Programme and project management
  • Change management


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Marc Secretan

Partner, Swiss NPO Leader, Geneva, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 96 95
