‘Magic moments’ are created when consumers have their needs fulfilled on time. Even better is when retailers anticipate the needs of consumers and make whatever they need readily available. In return for those ‘magic moments’, you can expect to see an increase in sales, and a strong bond with consumers who are grateful to have a business that understands and can anticipate their needs.
When asked about the main attributes that would significantly improve consumers’ in-store experience, Swiss respondents ranked sales associates with a deep knowledge of the product range, the ability to conveniently navigate the store, and quick and easy payment methods as the top three factors.
The influence paid advertising has on purchase decisions is slowly weakening, as the influence of social channels, in the digital age, begins to dominate. Although 33% of those surveyed were influenced by traditional TV ads to make a purchase, 23% said ads that link them directly to offers and promotions for their favourite brand or product influenced their purchase decisions, and 20% prefer social media advertisements that allow them to interact.
Consumption in the digital age takes on many forms – including through apps and digital services and in social communities and physical stores – across all industries. But even with the growth of online consumption, the importance of human interaction, as a channel for connecting with customers, shouldn’t be neglected. For instance, only 7% of the Swiss consumers surveyed have consulted a financial advisor online in the past 12 months, and only 19% would trust an online advisor.
This is also true when it comes to making online payments through apps. Consumers are more comfortable using their mobile apps for certain things, but some still prefer the assistance of human beings to help explain the products and make a convincing sales pitch. Switzerland ranks among the lowest consumer markets willing to pay through mobile, with only 22% of those surveyed having used a form of mobile payment while shopping in-store.