The key to the future:

How edge computing is revolutionising industries

How edge computing is revolutionising industries
  • Insight
  • 8 minute read
  • 15/08/24

Imagine a world where data is processed instantly, right where it is generated—without any delays or detours. This vision has become a reality with edge computing, a technology which is transforming industries from the ground up. But what does this mean for different sectors? 

Dominic Straub

Dominic Straub

Manager, Cloud & Digital, PwC Switzerland

In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through the fascinating possibilities of edge computing and show how it can optimise your business processes.

Swiss banks are bound by stringent data protection laws. With edge computing, they can process transaction data locally in regional data centres. This allows for instant on-site data analysis, avoiding the need to transmit data over central servers or external networks. Consequently, banks ensure compliance with Swiss data protection regulations and significantly reduce the risk of data breaches, as sensitive information stays within Switzerland's legal and geographical boundaries. Introducing edge computing allows Swiss banks to meet legal requirements, strengthen customer trust and enhance their competitiveness in an increasingly digital market.

In the industrial sector, edge computing opens up enormous potential for cost reductions and energy savings, particularly in manufacturing and industrial automation. Local data processing enables large data volumes to be analysed immediately on-site, minimising the need for extensive data transfers to central servers. This reduces bandwidth costs and energy consumption, since less data needs to be transported over networks. Additionally, decentralised systems eliminate single points of failure, ensuring that the entire system will remain operational even if one node goes down. Edge computing significantly enhances the productivity and sustainability of industrial processes.

The retail sector is being revolutionised by edge computing, which enables personalised customer experiences. Real-time analysis of customer data in stores generates tailored offers and recommendations, significantly boosting customer satisfaction. Furthermore, edge computing enhances efficiency at checkout points, thereby processing transactions faster and reducing queues. Self-service checkouts and mobile payment terminals operate more quickly and reliably thanks to local data processing, shortening transaction times. These applications lead to improved effectiveness and higher customer satisfaction, making edge computing a crucial technology for retail.

Edge computing is transforming the public sector by enabling real-time data processing on-site. In traffic management, it optimises traffic flow and dynamically adjusts traffic signals, reducing congestion. It also supports emergency response systems by processing intersection data to detect and clear paths for approaching emergency vehicles. Smart cities benefit from efficient management of urban infrastructure such as street lighting and waste management. In environmental monitoring, sensors can analyse air and water quality data locally and issue immediate warnings when thresholds are exceeded. Additionally, edge computing securely handles sensitive personal data such as tax information directly on-site, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and reducing the risk of data breaches. These applications enhance the performance, security and sustainability of public services, improving citizens' quality of life.

The pharmaceutical industry greatly benefits from edge computing, particularly in improving productivity and quality assurance in drug manufacturing. A significant application is the remote monitoring of clinical trials, where edge computing enables real-time monitoring of patient data and parameters. Wearable devices and sensors process data on-site to ensure participant safety and enhance the effectiveness of trial conduct. This accelerates the development of new medications and improves access to innovative treatments, promoting health and well-being.

Your path to edge computing

PwC Switzerland specialises in working with you to analyse potential scenarios in all sectors and determine whether a business case for edge computing exists. This includes a comprehensive readiness assessment to identify the steps needed to successfully implement edge computing. Let us shape the future together and integrate the advantages of this groundbreaking technology into your business. Contact us to develop your edge computing strategy and sustainably enhance your competitiveness.


Contact us

Claudius Meyer

Partner and Cloud Transformation Leader, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 18 84


Dominic Straub

Manager, Cloud & Digital, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 18 06
