Unlocking the potential of sustainability in IT

Sustainability in IT Survey

Lorem ipsum
  • Insight
  • 10 minute read
  • 12/02/24

For many enterprises in Switzerland, sustainability is becoming a topic of increasing priority and urgency. We want to explore the potential for sustainability within Swiss IT organisations, helping to identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Hence, the motivation behind our survey lies in exploring these aspects. 


This survey aims to understand the key drivers and barriers that IT organisations are facing in this domain and how they envisage their future positioning and strategies in relation to ESG. The insights garnered from this survey help to shape the future of IT organisations within the context of environmental sustainability. 

Rejhan Fazlic

Rejhan Fazlic

Partner and Technology Strategy & Transformation Leader, PwC Switzerland

By understanding the key factors that drive and hinder the integration of environmental sustainability, we can identify industry trends, benchmark best practices, and uncover the unique challenges that IT organisations face in their journey towards sustainability.

If sustainability is a focus topic in your IT organisation and you would like to benefit from an outside view of the Swiss market, please take 10-15 minutes to fill out the survey below – we will provide you with the results and would be delighted to offer a complimentary discussion on the topic.

We thank you very much in advance for your valuable contribution.

Participate in our survey

The outcomes you can expect

Based on the survey results we will publish three thought leadership pieces in the next few months on the following topics:

Current Situation, Drivers & Initiatives

Where do Swiss IT organisations stand today in terms of sustainability? What are the key drivers that move them and what initiatives are already underway to increase their sustainability? 

Challenges, Solutions & Potential 

What are some current obstacles for Swiss IT organisations which are slowing down their sustainability efforts? Which strategies are they pursuing to overcome these challenges? How much potential do they see in becoming more sustainable?

Roles & Responsibilities 

How do Swiss tech leaders want to position themselves in the future as regards sustainability? And how does this affect the IT organisation and its role in the company? 

Start unlocking your sustainability potential

By analysing the results of the survey responses and conducting a benchmarking analysis, we will establish a solid foundation for understanding the key factors that drive and hinder the integration of environmental sustainability within IT organisations. Additionally, we will identify and address the unique challenges faced by Swiss IT organisations and develop strategies to overcome them.

Participate in our survey

Sustainability at PwC Switzerland

Make your climate actions count. With targeted, tailored solutions. From strategy to governance. To sustainable, sustained outcomes.

Learn more

Contact us

Rejhan Fazlic

Partner and Technology Strategy & Transformation Leader, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 1148


Dr. Sebastian Vogt

Senior Manager Technology & Data, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 00 00


Rolf Wehrli

Manager Technology & Data, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 46 75
