Disclose 27

Das Onlinemagazin von PwC

In the spotlight: High-Performing Organisations

Issue 1, 2018

«It takes people, digital technologies and trust to achieve top performance.»

Reading our latest issue of Disclose you’re sure to get an adrenaline rush as we investigate a topic with particularly close connections to sport: high-performing organisations.

Growth, performance and compliance: these and other metrics are only too familiar to you as a manager and decision maker. You know what the markets and stakeholders require of you. But do you also know how to distinguish between good performance and top performance? Or when a team becomes a high-performing team? Or how different industries are coping with the performance demands of the digital age?

Our Disclose authors provide you with concise answers to these and other questions. We discuss the abilities of a high-performing team and the fitness parameters for growth. We explore how the financial function is keeping pace with the digital revolution, and how auditing is moving up a gear at the same time. We also take a specialist look at the development of the Swiss tourism industry, and visit the PwC Experience Center. Finally we discuss how, when it comes to your financial reporting, less can definitely be more.

In our Update articles, we shed light on the impact of IFRS 15 on your annual financial statements in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO). In addition, we are joining the latest debate on Tax Reform 17. Last but not least, we examine how you can turn the provocative subject of value-added tax into a competitive advantage.

We hope the latest edition of Disclose inspires you to push the envelope and come up with some new, winning ideas.

At the very least we hope you’re entertained and enjoy reading the articles.

Alex Astolfi

Alex Astolfi, Member of the Management Board, Leader Assurance PwC Switzerland

Alex Astolfi
Member of the Management Board, Leader Assurance PwC Switzerland




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These expert articles are designed to give you a clear picture of the latest relevant developments in financial reporting, tax and new technologies, but also of business processes optimisations.


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