Disclose 29

Das Onlinemagazin von PwC

In the spotlight: Corporate Governance reloaded

Issue 1, 2019

"When you take on a directorship, you assume broad entrepreneurial, social and personal responsibility."

I’m particularly pleased that you’ve clicked your way to this edition of Disclose. This time, we’re looking at a topic that has long been preoccupying all of us: corporate governance.

As someone with responsibility for decision-making, you know only too well that there’s no good leadership without solid principles. Exercising strategic management and control means working within the given legal and factual framework, and involving all the relevant stakeholders. But that’s not enough by any means.

The principles of modern, sustainable management have changed fundamentally: regulators have tightened the screws with more stringent laws and rules, shareholders have become louder and more demanding, members of the public more critical, cyberhackers craftier and more brazen, and directors are expected to bring unprecedented capabilities to the table. In six focus articles, our experts and a well-known board chairman talk about why corporate governance is currently experiencing a revival: corporate governance reloaded.

These days, your role as a strategic manager comes with comprehensive business, social and personal responsibility. If you want to shoulder this responsibility you have to overcome silos, demand integrated information as a basis for making decisions, establish all-encompassing processes, embrace diversity and adopt a clear ethical stance. Only then will you be contributing to the organisation’s ability to survive and flourish in the long term.

In our Update articles we keep you up to speed on the latest developments in cryptocurrencies and SAP Hana. You’ll also find further updates on Tax Proposal 17 in early 2019.

This issue of Disclose is a chance to reload your knowledge of corporate governance. I wish you inspiring reading!

Alex Astolfi


Alex Astolfi, Member of the Management Board, Leader Assurance PwC Switzerland

Alex Astolfi
Member of the Management Board, Leader Assurance, PwC Switzerland


In our Focus pieces we look at the issue "Trust in the digital era" from different standpoints and perspectives.


These expert articles are designed to give you a clear picture of the latest relevant developments in financial reporting, tax and new technologies, but also of business processes optimisations.

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