Evaluating software for pension funds

The right choice for a lasting relationship

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  • 10 minute read

Careful evaluation and implementation of critical software products is crucial for any pension fund. This is the only way to ensure that such products are efficient, secure and user-friendly. The evaluation of suitable software for the management of policyholders, for example, forms the basis for efficient and secure administration of benefits and claims under the policy. Given the inherent complexity and sensitivity of the data, it is essential to choose a software solution that not only meets current requirements, but is also future-proof.

Implementing this kind of software is a complex and demanding task, which requires in-depth, specialist knowledge and extensive practical experience. Our experts here at PwC Switzerland have successfully supported numerous pension funds in this journey. With our extensive expertise, we can ensure that your pension fund, too, will select a tailor-made solution that is perfectly tailored to your needs. With our help, you’ll minimise potential risks, reduce implementation time and ensure smooth integration into existing systems. This will ultimately lead to increased operational productivity, improved data integrity and greater end-user satisfaction. By taking a planned and methodical approach, the pension fund can ensure that the solution chosen meets the legal requirements and enables benefits and insured events to be managed reliably and efficiently in the long term.

Support during the process

The main activity of our experts includes assisting with the development and review of concepts, documents and anything else that is used as a basis for decision-making. PwC can provide active support to the project managers in the project team and assist them with project management tasks, or even take over these tasks completely. Our established, methodical approach is agile in that the level of responsibility for the individual phases and the associated tasks for PwC, the pension fund and the software provider can be defined individually and flexibly.

Project process

We rely on our established methodology, based on our many years of experience in carrying out software evaluations. This methodology is divided into five phases, which are described in more detail in the following sections. The respective phases are supported by continuous project management, change management and quality assurance measures.

Projektablauf Software-Evaluationen bei Pensionskassen

This phase involves project definition and planning, which includes creating a complete project manual and plan with definition of milestones. A critical assessment of benefits and feasibility is essential in order to make a solid start on the project. The phase also includes the definition and establishment of project controlling, which ensures the implementation and coordination of project reporting as well as change management with regard to new and/or changed requirements.

The detailed requirements for the new software solution (functional and technical) are discussed and consolidated in workshops together with the responsible stakeholders in the pension fund. The results are then incorporated into a set of specifications, which provides the basis for assessing the target and optional requirements.

In this phase, the call for tender is actually implemented using the accepted specifications. Potential software providers are provisionally evaluated based on the tender specifications and the product specifications they submit. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the software solution including a cost-effectiveness analysis. Before a provider is selected, a contract and cost analysis is carried out to ensure comparability between providers. 

The creation of concepts for the introduction and operation of the application are key components of the overall project and contribute significantly to the quality and success of the implementation. Even though the technical documentation is the responsibility of the provider, it should be continuously compared with the specifications. User training, testing activities and the actual data migration in preparation for implementation are carried out in close cooperation with all parties involved. 

When the new solution is implemented, the process and control activities must also be adapted to the new circumstances. This means that a revision of the internal control system is essential. Ensuring that data are migrated lawfully, correctly and completely is also something that should be addressed early and documented clearly as a basis for auditing.

General benefits for the pension fund

The correct choice of software and its successful implementation are crucial for the cost-effective and efficient running of the pension fund. Enlisting the support of our experts in this process can bring the following benefits:

Our experts bring extensive knowledge and experience in the field of software evaluation and implementation. This enables them to carry out an informed evaluation of the various software options based on the specific requirements and challenges of a pension fund.

Selecting and implementing new software may be time-consuming and costly, but the process can be significantly accelerated and optimised with support. PwC will be happy to help you avoid unnecessary expenses and make the implementation phase as efficient as possible.

Inadequate software evaluation or incorrect implementation can result in significant risks, such as data loss, security vulnerabilities or system failures. These risks can be minimised by our experts because we are able to identify and resolve potential problems at an early stage.

Every pension fund has unique requirements and processes. PwC ensures that the selected software is perfectly tailored to these needs, so that the new solution improves workflows rather than holding them up.

Software requirements

Pension fund software musts offer a variety of functions in order to handle the specific requirements and tasks efficiently. Below are the main functions and features that this type of software should have:

  • Management of member data
  • Calculation of contributions and benefits
  • Financial management and accounting
  • Regulatory reporting and compliance
  • Compliance with data protection laws
  • Interfaces
  • Customisable modules
  • Updates and extensions

By providing these and other functions, pension fund software can significantly enhance administrative efficiency and accuracy, increase transparency and improve overall satisfaction among policyholders.

Why PwC?

PwC is your reliable and competent partner in the evaluation of software for pension funds. Our highly motivated team will provide you with straightforward and practical support, while maintaining open and transparent communication. We ensure that our expertise from similar projects (in particular knowledge with regard to requirements concerning policyholder management as well as the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information) is brought into the project. In this way, we help to ensure a lasting relationship between the pension fund and the new software solution.

Contact us

Contact us

Cristian Manganiello

Partner, Digital Assurance, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 56 68


Fabian Plattner

Senior Manager, Digital Assurance, PwC Switzerland

+41 79 878 01 27
