Putting patients at the centre of quality

How quality organisations can embrace a patient-centric approach to drive value

For organisations subject to stringent biopharmaceutical and medical device regulations, quality has been evolving over the past years from a compliance-centric approach to increasingly include product-quality and innovation-centric philosophies thus becoming more and more patient centric. To find out where the industry stands on ‘patient-centred quality’, we surveyed and assessed the current approach to quality of biopharma and medtech companies.

Explore the survey results and recommendations in our latest publication "Putting patients at the centre of quality".

Download the report

Download the report


Contact us

Philipp Hespe

Philipp Hespe

Partner, Swiss Quality and R&D Lead, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 79 592 79 55

Flutra Ivanovic

Flutra Ivanovic

Manager, Quality and R&D, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 48 45