PwC’s Global Gender Pay Compass

Find out more on how gender pay regulations in different countries affect your organisation

Knowing the gender pay rules in the countries where you are operating

Why do you need to know the gender pay laws and regulations in the countries you are operating in?

Gender equality is gaining traction all over the world. More and more stakeholders expect companies to practice equality. Sticking to the rules, or even going a step further, can enhance your reputation with customers, employees (current and prospective), regulators and the public. Do your homework on gender equality and pay and you will not only save yourself a lot of trouble but also spot opportunities you did not know existed.

As an executive or HR manager running a business internationally – or planning to operate in other countries – it is crucial to know the laws and sanctions governing gender equality in the relevant territories. 

Want to know more about gender equalities regulations around the world? Check out our new interactive Global Gender Pay Compass.


Global Gender Pay Compass

The information in this version of the Global Gender Pay Compass is valid as of 21 March 2023.

What does the Gender Pay Compass tell you?

Our Global Gender Pay Compass is a straightforward tool summarising the most important facts on the gender pay equality legislation and employer's obligations in place in countries all over the world.

As you will see from the different colours on the map, we have categorised each territory according to the relevant laws in place. In the first category (light orange), we provide information on the general law around gender equality or equal pay legislation in place. The next category (orange) highlights countries that, in addition to a general law, mandate equal remuneration for work of equal value per the standard set by the International Labor Organization (ILO). Data for this category stems from the World Bank's 2023 Report on Women, Business and the Law. The last category (darker orange) indicates countries that have the ILO standard, and in addition have introduced specific legal obligations for employers. This includes for example annual reporting obligations for employers to increase transparency around the topic of pay equality.

Dive deeper and you will find more detailed information on the general law, specific measures and penalties in a particular country, as well as your local PwC specialist.

Gender Equality Act: amendments that bring new opportunities

July 2020 marked a turning point for large companies in Switzerland with the entry in force of the amended Federal Act on Gender Equality. The amendments of the law bind companies with more than 100 employees to conduct an equal pay analysis by 30 June 2021.

Is your organisation compliant with the legal requirements? 

Learn how we can help


Are you ready to join the gender equality movement? Become an EQUAL-SALARY certified organisation and stand out for all the right reasons.

Contact us

Johannes (Joop) Smits

Johannes (Joop) Smits

Partner, People and Organisation, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 91 64

Alexander Skumiewski

Alexander Skumiewski

Senior Manager, People and Organisation, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 92 94

David Szollosi

David Szollosi

TLS Manager, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 94 89
