Smart government: a playbook for politicians and public managers

How politicians and public managers can foster smart government in Switzerland

Recent study shows: Public authorities must engage with the changing needs of our society

The playbook has been designed to help politicians and public managers jump-start their efforts to implement smart government. 
In cooperation with the Smart Government Lab at University of St. Gallen, PwC has analyzed various use cases to identify four enablers that enhance the capability to unleash the promising potential of Smart Government sucessfully.

Let’s start the dialogue and move forward with courage and determination to make our government ‘smarter’.

Download the study now

Use cases

Better decisions in administration

Better decisions in administration in politics and public administration

Smart government solutions are able to significantly improve certain strategic and operational decisions in both politics and public administration. This eventually creates potential in terms of both efficiency and effectiveness.


  • 15-20 % savings through process efficiency
  • 30-40 % savings by reducing errors and fraud
  • 8-10 % fewer fatalities
  • 30-40 % reduction in crimes such as assault and burglary
  • 20-35 % faster emergency response times


  • Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP): predictive data model for traffic accidents
  • City of St. Gallen: Internet of Things

‘Don’t forget the humans!’ If we’ve learned anything from the e-government initiatives of the last twenty years, it’s that technology is the least of our problems. It’s an enabling factor, a necessary prerequisite, but one that is generally present. If digitisation fails, the cause is usually humans. So it’s time to go beyond our fascination with technology and think about concrete implementation – together with the people who will be using these technologies.

Dr. Ali A. Guenduez, Head Smart Government Lab, University of St.Gallen

Smart Government enablers

Leadership and Strategy

Smart government requires cross-departmental leadership and strategy prioritising and committing to concrete objectives and investments – based on a broad and challenging alignment process.

How can PwC help? 

Our experts have gathered a wealth of experience in digital transformation and smart government, both in Switzerland and internationally. They’ll be happy to discuss and share this experience with you. The support we’ve provided to clients in public administration and other sectors in Switzerland and abroad ranges from: 

  • Digital maturity assessments 
  • Digital strategies
  • Digital solutions 
  • Digital transformation programmes
  • Setting up digital offices
  • Design and implementation of new business models

Contact us

Gustav Baldinger

Gustav Baldinger

CEO, PwC Switzerland

Sebastian Singler

Sebastian Singler

Director, Government Strategy and Transformation, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 79 571 18 96