
PwC-Immospektive is aimed at all players in the Swiss real estate market and provides an incisive overview of current market activity.

In addition to clear presentation and interpretation of the latest figures from research and consultancy company Fahrländer Partner, the publication also shows the influence of economic data on various segments and real estate submarkets. Each issue also takes a closer look at current market developments and sector trends. PwC-Immospektive is published quarterly – at the same time as the meta-analysis by Fahrländer Partner.

Interpretation of the FPRE real estate meta-analysis for February 2025

21 February 2025

In December 2024, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) lowered its policy rate by 0.5 percentage points to 0.5%. Further interest rate cuts are possible, partly due to the easing inflationary pressure and the persistently weak economic development, which is likely to continue to have a positive impact on the Swiss real estate market. Rents have stabilised in the rental housing market, although immigration and limited supply continue to drive up prices. A slight increase in construction activity is expected, although this remains below the long-term average. Residential investment properties continued their recovery, supported by more attractive financing conditions and rising demand. In the office space market, central locations showed a stable to positive trend, while peripheral locations remain under pressure. Residential property prices have continued to rise, particularly for single-family units, since falling financing costs are supporting demand.

The information on market developments, on which Immospektive is based, can be found in FPRE’s real estate meta-analysis. References to FPRE graphics in our text are marked [1] etc. 

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Sebastian Zollinger

Sebastian Zollinger

Director, Head Real Estate Advisory, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 28 87