Philipp Rosenauer
Partner Legal, PwC Switzerland
The use of cloud services can result in greater efficiency and flexibility in IT for many organisations in Switzerland, from large, globally oriented companies to SMEs. For successful outsourcing to the cloud, legal and regulatory, business and IT security aspects must be taken into account. This article provides an overview of the most important points.
Legal questions of permissibility arise in connection with cloud outsourcing. The density of regulations is particularly high in regulated areas, or if personal data or customer data are involved. Swiss organisations should therefore carefully assess the legal and regulatory permissibility of the planned cloud outsourcing.
In this context, it is important to have thorough knowledge of the cloud provider and the targeted cloud setup. This can be done with the help of a Cloud Assessment Checklist. The checklist includes a number of questions for evaluation, such as (list not exhaustive):
Every company and every cloud project is different. The Cloud Assessment Checklist should therefore be tailored according to the relevant company, its industry and its proposed use of cloud services.
Whether pure storage capacity or a fully-fledged SaaS service (CRM, accounting, etc.), the cloud may offer significant advantages over an on-premise solution, such as the following:
When selecting the appropriate cloud infrastructure, an appropriate vendor assessment and targeted selection of the required cloud services are both central. Other aspects such as the expandability of the cloud services and the portability of the data in the event of a possible change of provider also play a role.
Although many cloud providers invest a lot of resources in building and keeping their IT security up to date, organisations cannot simply rely on the adequacy of the cloud provider’s IT security as their business model and reputation depend significantly on having a secure IT infrastructure.
Instead, it is incumbent on organisations to check the (technical) adequacy of the cloud provider’s measures and, if necessary, to strengthen them with their own measures.
With our integrated cloud services model, we can fully advise you on all cloud requirements from a single source. Our legal and IT specialists work hand in hand and have already successfully supported several organisations in migrating to the cloud.
Thanks to our experience, we have the relevant tools, checklists and methods to make your planned cloud outsourcing project a success from a legal, business and IT perspective.
In particular, we can support you with the following aspects:
We look forward to hearing from you!
Partner and Technology Strategy & Transformation Leader, PwC Switzerland
Tel: +41 58 792 1148