Dominik Birrer
Partner Tax, PwC Switzerland
Rolf Röllin
Director - Corporate Tax, PwC Switzerland
Pascal Buehler
Partner, PwC Switzerland
Reto Inauen
Director Tax Accounting & International Tax Services, PwC Switzerland
Christa Elsaesser
Director International Tax, PwC Switzerland
On 14 March 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework (IF) published the Commentary to the GloBE Model Rules (‘Commentary’) as well as some GloBE (Pillar Two) examples. This is the next biggest milestone towards the implementation of the global minimum taxation rules that are designed to ensure large multinational enterprises (MNEs) pay a minimum level of tax of 15% on the income arising in each jurisdiction where they operate.
The Commentary shall ensure a consistent and common interpretation of the previously published GloBE Model Rules with the aim of facilitating coordinated outcomes for both the tax authorities as well as MNE groups. As such, it explains the intended outcomes under the GloBE Model Rules and clarifies the meaning of certain provisions.
The document with the examples illustrates the application of some of the GloBE Rules. The document has an illustrative purpose only and the examples do not form part of the Commentary as such. It is likely that additional examples might be developed and published in the future to illustrate how some of the GloBE Model Rules shall work. This would be done as part of the Implementation Framework through specific Administrative Guidance.
With the publication of the Commentary and the examples, the next important phase of this OECD Pillar Two project is being approached. The IF will further develop an Implementation Framework to support local tax authorities in the implementation and administration of the GloBE Rules. This process also involves collecting input from the various stakeholders as part of a public consultation process. The focus of this public consultation is on putting in place mechanisms that will ensure that tax authorities and MNEs can apply the GloBE Rules in a consistent way while minimising compliance costs. The consultation period will end on 11 April 2022, that will then be followed by a virtually held public consultation meeting at the end of April 2022.
In the following, you will find a summary of the most relevant aspect described by each of the chapters of the Commentary:
a. Entities form a Group when they are under common control such that their income is (or would be) included in the same Consolidated Financial Statements.
b. A Group will be an MNE Group if it has one or more Entities or PEs located in a jurisdiction other than the UPE jurisdiction.
a. Here different outcomes if UPE in jurisdiction with IIR:
-> Top-up tax of LTCEs limited to UPEs Allocable Share of Top-up Tax due in respect of each LTCE.
-> Special treatment for POPEs (= split-ownership structures where LTCEs have more than 20% third party minority interest holders): Lower tier POPE jurisdiction has priority to apply IIR to extent of its Allocable Share (exception to IIR top-down approach).
b. If UPE in jurisdiction without IIR:
-> IIR Top-up tax with Intermediate Parent(s) that partially own LTCEs reduces total Top-up Tax Amount and hence leaves a Top-up Tax delta (including the one attributable to third party minority owners) which then is subject to reallocation among all UTPR countries. Hence total Top-up Tax due in respect of LTCEs can be greater than in scenario a.
A) Additions and reductions to covered taxes and definition of covered taxes;
B) Allocation between CEs;
C) Temporary differences;
D) GloBE Loss election;
E) Post-filing adjustments and tax rate changes.
A) Computational rules for determining the ETR of jurisdictions in which the MNE operates and for determining the Top-up Tax for a Low-Tax Jurisdiction.
B) Rules for determining the amount of income that is excluded from the GloBE Rules by virtue of the Substance-based Income Exclusion.
C) Additional Current Top-up Tax.
D) De Minimis Exclusion.
A) Filing obligation
B) Safe Harbours
C) Administrative Guidance
A) Tax Attributes;
B) the Substance-based Income Exclusion;
C) the exclusion from the UTPR of MNE Groups in the initial phase of their international activity and
D) for Filing Obligations
Dominik Birrer
David McDonald
Markus Prinzen
Rolf Röllin
Jacob Parma
Director - Transfer Pricing & Value Chain Transformation, Zurich, PwC Switzerland
+41 58 792 44 87
Christa Elsaesser
Etienne Michaud
Senior Manager, Transfer Pricing and Value Chain Transformation, PwC Switzerland
+41 58 792 96 70
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