Optimise finance operations

by solving the data-to-business challenge

Any company not currently using its data analytics potential or bringing its people to the data is in danger of losing revenue on a daily basis because they fail to take important action or even make the wrong decisions. Companies of all sizes must find a way to solve the data-to-business challenge – from a technology and a people perspective.

In this case study, we focus on a multinational technology company that saw the need for a common data platform that comes analytics-ready and is capable of building relevant and efficient operational and business analytics in real time. One priority was to decouple an immense amount of SAP data from its legacy systems and find a solution that made it easier for all business users to access these data. Based on these requirements, our client built a data analytics vision consisting of different layers of major analytical capabilities. It implemented this vision very carefully.

The technology stack it chose is built on Qlik Data Integration (QDI) for real-time data streaming and a state-of-the art scalable cloud data warehouse.


This solution has had benefits in many areas, ranging from IT, business, risk and uncertainty, and strategy all the way to people and culture as well as analytical capabilities. These benefits result from the overall innovation in technology, and especially the implementation of QDI and its change-data-capture (CDC) streaming technology. All things considered, the company profited from its investment and was able to optimise business processes and increase revenue.

It’s our experience that real-time data integration is relevant when it comes to running a profitable business and is no longer just an option. Any enterprise that doesn’t start implementing real-time technology early enough will lose revenue in the long run.


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Within each data integration strategy, SAP needs to be kept as the heart driving the business. However, building a harmonised target where SAP and non-SAP data exist alongside each other will unlock the real value that businesses can obtain from data.

Head of Data Integration Strategy at a large technology company

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Fatih Sahin

Fatih Sahin

Director, AI & Data Leader Tax & Legal Services, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 48 28