Why your marketing operating model is the key to campaign success

How to create the basis for successful campaigns that meet and exceed the constantly evolving expectations of the connected customer.

Marketers have access to many resources, and there’s a great knowledge pool available for them to use. But it can be hard to cut through the clutter and take out what’s relevant and really enhances revenue growth and customer experience. A creative idea isn’t enough for a successful marketing campaign. Above all, you need a marketing operating model. 

Why you need a marketing operating model

The right marketing operating model (MOM) serves as a bridge between strategy and execution. It ensures that internal processes are aligned to meet growing customer expectations. The future success of marketing rests on its ability to continuously anticipate and deliver against the fast-changing expectations of the connected customer. Marketing to this connected customer requires nothing less than a new operating model supported by advanced capabilities in data, analytics, automation, organisational structure and culture. A marketing operating model is even more important for global companies, as their organisational set-up is extremely complex, creating new and unknown costs.

The five components are people, process, technology, organisation and data. While its key that you develop a clear and rigorous plan for each component, they must be rooted in your marketing strategy to ensure they work together harmoniously. A rigorous model acknowledges the interplay between each of the components and ensures it is agile enough to adapt to changes in the business or environment.

It’s also a dynamic process: when marketers can make the decision on the best message on the basis of data, the customer’s feedback becomes new data which is then fed back into the marketing operating model. This means the MOM continuously evolves.

Having an MOM ensures that everything operates smoothly, from strategic planning, financial management, marketing performance measurement, marketing infrastructure and marketing and sales alignment, all the way to overall marketing excellence.

Planning and operating on an agile basis enables you to shorten the turnaround on decisions, minimise risks and assure greater utility and effectiveness. An agile approach makes adapting to trends much easier and is proven to lead to higher conversions and revenue.

Webinar Series Customer Centric Transformation

Webinar series about Customer Transformations 

Whatever industry you operate in, now’s the time to take bold steps forward to get closer to your customers. 

Our series of webinars is a chance for you to explore the latest trends in customer transformation and see how they might help you get closer to your target audience.

Explore our webinars

How to build your marketing operating model 

We can help you make the right decisions throughout your marketing journey, from strategy to operations and marketing effectiveness. Now let’s take a closer look at the five components of a marketing operating model and important questions to consider in relation to each of them. 

To sum up 

If you want to market successfully to the connected customer, you’re going to have to adopt an intelligent marketing operating model. And you’re going to have to make sure it evolves through agile analysis, gathering customer feedback and constantly feeding this data back into the process. If you can constantly keep the five components in mind ‒ people, process, technology, organisation and data ‒ marketing activities will serve customers better. There are benefits across the board: You’ll be able to generate sustainable and marketing-led growth, boost profitability and efficiency, and increase conversion and revenue ‒ all of which spells campaign success

If you’d like to discuss marketing operating models or any other marketing-related matters in more depth, get in touch with us or check out our service offering

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Mattias Eklund

Mattias Eklund

Marketing Consulting Lead, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 79 267 7539