The digital transformation of an NPO

Innovating with and for customers through the implementation of an NPO solution (case study)

Digital technologies are changing how we think, work and live. Because expectations are increasing with each digital innovation: greater convenience, more relevant information, more tangible experiences, faster services, personalised offers and finally a more human touch. This transformation affects not only governments and commercial companies but also nonprofit organisations (NPOs). Find out here how we’re helping them to keep pace with their custom-ers and the future.

Data for actions

Many national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are committed to a healthy environment, an intact planet and a future that’s worth living for the upcoming generations. To turn their visions into reality, they need support in the form of donations, member contributions and aid. With this come new challenges, as young people especially don’t just want to donate money, they want to play an active part themselves. This means companies need to be innovative in their offerings, offer personalised experience value, serve the different channels of their dialogue groups, create new forms of customer relationships and nurture them accordingly. For this they need a comprehensive IT infrastructure, efficient applications and agile management of data – and change. 

Remaining agile and getting people involved

This is where our digital experts for NPOs come into play. For one internationally active NPO, in joint workshops we analysed the requirements and customer journeys of different dialogue groups. We converted our findings into user stories and mapped out a coherent approach for how the NPO can address the different target groups more effectively. In the weeks that followed, we developed a prototype that covered most of the user processes, which the users were then able to evaluate. This enabled us to validate the envisaged, improved user experience. The ‘scrum’ agile software development approach was followed for the further development of the system.

We were able to supply the desired functionality just a few weeks after the project began. In addition, our specialists opted for an iterative, sprint-based procedure, according to which the solution was continually tested by the users to ensure acceptance and user orientation. The new system includes the Sales Cloud, Nonprofit Success Pack, Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud applications. 

"A major component of a successful NPO solution is ensuring that we involve the employees in the optimisation process and show them how they and their company will benefit."

Oliver Ripplinger,Director Customer Centric Transformation, PwC Switzerland
Webinar Series Customer Centric Transformation

Webinar Series about Customer Centric Transformations 

Whatever industry you operate in, now’s the time to take bold steps forward to get closer to your customers. 

Our series of webinars is a chance for you to explore the latest trends in customer centric transformation and see how they might help you get closer to your target audience.

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Benefits for all committed parties

This exemplary project has significantly driven forward the digital transformation of the NGO. And the benefits of the solution developed and implemented by PwC are accordingly extensive:

  • The NPO now has an integrated multichannel infrastructure that offers interested parties and members freedom of choice and flexibility for making contact.
  • Customers become partners: the interaction works efficiently across various channels and on a targeted basis in the areas focused upon.
  • The new solution offers a 360-degree view of marketing, services and donation/membership activities.
  • It enables synergies between customer relationship, marketing and customer service functions to be utilised.
  • With the help of customer data and the findings derived from them, the NPO can maximise the donating behaviour of its dialogue groups.
  • Numerous processes – especially in customer service – have been simplified and centralised. Support activities are now documented transparently.
  • The new solution is efficient, intuitive to use, built on a modular basis and largely automated. 

NPOs also need to take an entrepreneurial approach

The challenges for NPOs are no less than those faced by companies in the private sector. Both need to meet the increasing needs of various dialogue groups, work with limited resources and hold their ground in a highly competitive environment. Powerful end-to-end solutions are tailored specifically to the tasks of NPOs, so they can improve how they network digitally and optimise their commitment. Read how in this expert article

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Alexander Schultz-Wirth

Alexander Schultz-Wirth

Partner, Leader Sustainability Tech & Data, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 47 97

Michael Plassmann

Michael Plassmann

Senior Manager, Customer Transformation, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 29 35