Zurich, 29 November 2024 – At PwC Switzerland’s bi-annual Partners Meeting, Sebastian di Paola was re-elected Chairman of the Board of Directors for the period to 30 June 2028. This is his second term as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
A chairman with strong international connections
Sebastian di Paola has been the Chairman of PwC Switzerland since 2022, during which time he has also served as the Global Relationship Partner for a number of the firm’s largest international clients. He is a member of the Global Board of PwC and the Chair of the Europe Partner Council. He has over 30 years of experience with PwC as part of the UK, Belgian and Swiss firms and has been based in Geneva for 17 years.
Previously, Sebastian served as a member of PwC Switzerland’s Oversight Board for 9 years and led PwC’s Consulting practice in Western Switzerland. For over 20 years he was the partner in charge of PwC’s award-winning Global Treasury and Commodity Risk Advisory practice. He has a degree in law from Cambridge University and is a qualified Chartered Accountant.
Gustav Baldinger, CEO of PwC Switzerland says: ‘We are pleased to announce that Sebastian has been re-elected Chairman of PwC Switzerland. With his vast experience and strong international network, Sebastian has been a key driver of our firm’s success. The Management Board and I are confident that his leadership will continue to bring valuable insights and opportunities to our clients as we navigate the dynamic global business landscape.’
About PwC
PwC Switzerland is the leading audit and advisory company in Switzerland. At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 149 countries with nearly 370,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax and legal services. PwC Switzerland has nearly 3,809 employees and partners in 13 locations in Switzerland and one in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.pwc.ch. “PwC” refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.
Stéphanie Tobler Mucznik