Game of Threats™

Cyber attacks occur every day – are you prepared?

PwC’s Game of Threats™ provides a realistic simulation of cyber attacks – and calls on you to take action.

More than a game

Game of Threats™ is a digital card game that aims to raise awareness of cyber attacks among your employees. It recreates the sequence and dynamics of cyber attacks, how perpetrators and victims respond, and the challenges that companies need to face up to.

We have created a realistic simulation based on experiences drawn from our global network of consultants. Game of Threats™ reveals the dangers of human fallibility and technical failure – and what exactly you can do about them.

Simulating reality

Assume the role of an attacker or defender. Game of Threats™ is an interactive simulation that recreates the complexity and challenges of a real-life cyber attack.

The interactive, digital card game is also a strategic simulation for cyber crises based on real life. It challenges managers and their teams to make efficient and effective decisions, and tests the extent to which a company is equipped to deal with attacks. Game of Threats™ shows how the perpetrators and victims of cyber attacks operate, and teaches an understanding of the procedure in the event of a cyber security incident.

Arm yourself against cyber attacks

Three steps to the Throne of Threats

  • Step 1: Interactive challenge
    Game of Threats™ can be played on PwC tablets. Two teams of employees compete against each other as “hackers” and “defenders”. The scenarios are realistic, and drawn from consulting practice at PwC. The effects of each team’s decisions can be followed by all of the participants in real time on a shared screen. The combination of tension, interaction and fun is striking, and achieves the greatest possible learning impact.
  • Step 2: Real simulation
    The virtual cards are randomly shuffled at the start of the game to simulate real scenarios and actions. Each round of the game builds on the decisions made in the previous round. Players can run through various different attack scenarios. PwC guides players through the simulation and provides the materials.
  • Step 3: Informative result
    At the end of the simulation the moderators give the teams a summary of the decisions they made, their effects, and any opportunities they might have missed. Analyse your actions step-by-step with PwC. Gather the key information and compare it with your existing contingency plans in order to be prepared for when things get serious.

Would you like to be able to respond quickly and effectively to cyber attacks?

Contact us

Yan Borboën

Yan Borboën

Partner, Leader Digital Assurance & Trust and Cybersecurity & Privacy, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 84 59

Urs Küderli

Urs Küderli

Partner and Leader Cybersecurity and Privacy, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 42 21