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Project Prometheus

The leading trade surveillance software

Reliably identify patterns of insider trading and market manipulation? Our software proves how AI-based trade monitoring works.

The implementation of the trade surveillance software.

Together with SIX Exchange Regulation AG (SER), we have implemented a forward-looking trading surveillance solution.

In the fight against market abuse, many of our customers mention the same need: "We are looking for comprehensive, AI-controlled trading surveillance with a warning system that enables us to quickly and reliably identify signals of market abuse and insider trading." In close cooperation with SER, which monitors the companies listed on the Swiss stock exchange, we took up this customer need and developed and introduced a new trade surveillance software.

The artificial intelligence-based software sets new standards in trading surveillance worldwide and combines data analysis with financial market expertise effectively and efficiently.

This is how Prometheus realizes advantages – also for your organization

Our state-of-the-art, AI-based trading monitoring software has been successfully deployed on the Swiss Stock Exchange since July 2020, where it replaced Nasdaq's SMARTS. Prometheus is superior to other systems because:


Prometheus can be tailored to the unique requirements and monitoring needs of any organization.

Effective and Efficient

Leveraging artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning, Prometheus has maximum impact and enables efficient market surveillance.

Modular and Scalable

From one transaction group or asset class to multiple exchange trading venues, Prometheus is modular and scalable.

Prometheus advances your organization

Reduce false alarms

The trade surveillance software reduces the number of false alarms and increases the proportion of correct-positive reports. This allows your specialists to concentrate on reports that are of suspicious quality.

First in class reporting

The requirements of the regulatory authorities around the world are becoming increasingly demanding. With the trade surveillance software you can master all reporting challenges of MiFID II, MiFIR, FinfraG and Co.

Reduce costs 

The trade surveillance software reduces the number of false alarms and increases the proportion of correct-positive reports. This allows your specialists to concentrate on reports that are of suspicious quality.

Increase efficiency 

The efficient case manager brings transparency to your operating system, providing clear information on the number and severity of cases and the time taken to process alerts.

Knowledge as standard

Handling alerts is labor intensive. With the trade surveillance software, intelligent processes and data-driven decision-making become standard.

Act instead of react

The trade surveillance software identifies activity using high-frequency analysis. This allows your specialists to analyze suspicious transactions more intensively and proactively identify new patterns of abuse.

Prometheus for you

"Our state-of-the-art solution combines various advanced AI-based approaches to detect specific market abuse patterns and insider behavior with reliable accuracy."

Christian MüllerHead Surveillance & Enforcement, SIX Exchange Regulation AG
Swiss Exchange

How Prometheus makes SER more efficient and effective

Together with PwC, the Swiss stock exchange developed and introduced the Prometheus trading surveillance system. The artificial intelligence-based software reliably identifies patterns of insider trading and market manipulation.

Deep dive into the project Prometheus

The trade surveillance software was developed as a trading monitor for exchanges and regulators, but is also suitable for banks and other financial industry companies that need to control and analyze transactions and trading activities.

Get in touch with our trade surveillance experts.

Do you want to learn more about Prometheus and how AI and analytics can keep your business healthy? Give us your email address and we will get in touch with you.

Matthias Leybold

Partner, Cloud & Digital, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 13 96


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Martin Flisek

Digital Transformation Expert, Advisory, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 4490


Marc Lehmann

Operational Excellence & ESG Transformation Leader, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 26 50


We are always here for you.

Our Support

All PwC products have a consistent support model with dedicated customer care. We are just as committed to our customers as we are to any other service and all of our projects.

If you have any questions, we will give you an answer immediately. And we are constantly developing products in real time so that we can respond to new needs at any time.

Contact our trading surveillance experts

Would you like to learn more about our Prometheus project and how to use AI and data analytics to protect your organization from abuse?



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