Planning Poker® is a technique used in agile project planning to estimate the amount of effort involved in delivering a product or piece of work. It’s an effective way of enabling the experts in a project team to draw on their experience to assess the complexity, amount of work and degree of risk or uncertainty involved – and find a consensus unaffected by the group-think issues that can distort the process of decisionmaking in a team.
Naturally the entirety of the process is owned by a cross-functional team that includes all the disciplines needed to deliver the project. But the Planning Poker® should be limited to the team actually responsible for the task at hand. They bring together all the required skills and experience, so they’re the only people able to reliably estimate the effort involved.
Planning Poker® is a consensus-based technique that makes sure that everyone in the team has the same understanding of the task and the estimates behind it. The result is better estimations, greater commitment, and improved chances of meeting project goals.
General rule: only the team implementing the feature in question should do the estimates for it.