Salesforce Service Cloud

First-rate customer service, anytime and anywhere

How does Service Cloud work?

Do you want to give your customers individual, round-the-clock support across all of your communication channels? No problem with Salesforce Service Cloud. It is tailor-made for every single customer and will revolutionise your customer interaction and customer experience. Service Cloud automates processes, rationalises workflows and identifies all important topics. Whether it’s via email, your phone, social media, at your desk, on your mobile device or through an app: it has never been easier to get in contact with your customer. 

What are the advantages of Service Cloud?

Immediate communication

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Are your customers fed up with being on hold? Service Cloud’s mobile messaging allows you to contact your customers on your favourite mobile channel: SMS, Facebook Messenger, Apple Business Chat Beta – always live and with no waiting time. 

Intelligent service

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Integrate personalised live chat support into your websites and mobile applications. The AI chatbot can answer everyday questions on its own, and it automatically connects to an employee if the problem is complex.

Customer proximity

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Be where your customers are! With Service Cloud snap-ins you can post live chats, expert reports and use cases. By offering personalised information and search options, your customers will stay on your website longer. 

Competence on all channels

Salesforce Icon Kompetenz auf allen Kanälen

Social media puts your company’s reputation to the test. With Service Cloud you can monitor Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. With your presence and immediate reaction, you increase customer loyalty. 

Early detection of needs

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Remember: you need a dozen positive experiences to offset one negative experience. So, problems must be solved even before they arise. Service Cloud allows you to predict and meet your customers’ needs in advance. 

Capacity building

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If your community is based on Service Cloud, your customers can find answers to their questions independently. Support them with use cases and relevant user stories. 

“Service Cloud gives you in-house support to anticipate your customers’ needs. This is what makes good customer service.”

Alexander Schultz-Wirth, Partner, Leader Customer Transformation, PwC Switzerland

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Your Salesforce experts

Alexander Schultz-Wirth

Partner, Leader Sustainability Tech & Data, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 47 97
