Business Restructuring Services

Your company faces new types of stress in times of crisis. We show you how to correctly interpret the initial signs, optimise vulnerable units or processes, and steer your company out of a weak position and back on track to success.

Recognising the signs of the times

The franc is becoming even stronger, your customers are increasingly making their purchases online, new competitors are capturing the market, digital technologies are being put to everyday use – these and other strategic and operational changes are presenting you with new challenges. If you do not tackle them early enough, the very existence of your company could be threatened, for instance as a result of falling income, loss of customers or employees, lower profitability and, last but not least, capital and liquidity bottlenecks.

However, it is possible to recognise these signs before they develop into a full-blown company crisis. The downwards spiral can generally be stopped or even reversed. But you need to react quickly. That is the only way in which you can restore your company's capacities and value. This is where our restoration and restructuring advisors come in. Their long-standing experience, combined with our tried-and-tested methods and worldwide network, can help you and your company to skilfully overcome a crisis.

You can count on us

Business reviews and reorganisation reports for banks and investors

Everything needs to be taken care of quickly in crisis situations: your management and investors require reliable information about the strategic, operational and financial condition of your company.

As independent appraisers, we draw up comprehensive company analyses, business reviews and reorganisation reports. We check whether your planning appears plausible in the light of your current market position and central value creation processes, for example. This enables your target groups to accurately assess the current position and risk situation of your company.

Strategic and operational restructuring

Thanks to operational restructuring you can make your company more efficient and productive in the short to medium term, improve your revenue situation and ensure your company’s viability. We also verify your organisation and your processes. We take appropriate steps to help you reduce costs and become noticeably more efficient.

Thanks to strategic restructuring you can re-establish the competitiveness of your company and guarantee its long-term survival. The focus is on markets, product portfolios, products and measures to bring about lasting success.

To put all the chances on your side, we act gradually and in close consultation with you, whilst adopting an efficient control system.

Restructuring: strategic, operational and financial

Financial restructuring

In exceptional situations, your management and investors want to be informed promptly and reliably about the financial situation of your company, and particularly about measures being taken to safeguard liquidity and equity. Refinancing is a key aspect, and can even be decisive.

Refinancing negotiations are often complex, however, and require a great deal of trust on both sides. If you want to start out from the best possible position, you must first constitute and free up any available liquid resources. We show you how.

Working capital management

Your working capital includes receivables, stock and trade accounts payable. It is your most affordable liquidity, cash that you are virtually holding in your hands. However, most companies do not invest their working capital in a growth-inducing manner.

We help you to change this, and explain how you can stock up your liquidity reserves. By comparing key figures and analysing time series and influencing variables, we develop immediate measures to activate your working capital and release liquidity in the short term.

Exit service

Allocating management and capital resources can often make all the difference between the success and failure of a company. You must decide on the future of unprofitable subsidiaries or business units, and consider solutions such as restructuring, sale or liquidation with or without bankruptcy proceedings. These alternatives must be investigated to evaluate the risks and costs of each one before selecting the best option and proceeding consistently with its implementation.

We bring these different courses of action together in our “exit service”. We help you to recognise any crisis-prone business units and analyse alternatives before selecting and implementing the necessary resources. In doing so, we place particular emphasis on the cost and effort involved.

Contact us

Reto Brunner

Partner, Advisory, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 14 19


Benjamin Rutz

Director, Business Restructuring Services, Zürich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 21 60
