BXT - The power of perspective

Building a new modern version of your company requires a new modern way to get there.

BXT is our way of working

The same old processes and issue-based approaches no longer provide advantages. If you want to build the future, you need a different way of working.


The business change required to shift the way an organization operates and generates profit.


The human-physical-virtual interface required to create a useful and engaging experience.


The tech required to embed the new solution and create scale.

We've noticed something. It really works.


Client productivity boost


Faster transformation execution


Client adoption rate

The Philosophy

BXT unites fragmented viewpoints to get everyone to focus on a single purpose and solution – something that isn’t possible when viewed through only one lens. When everyone, together, considers the right problem, we’re capable of building remarkable things.

Our approach

Everyone sees things differently, but only when we see them together can we truly solve the right problems.

  • Use the power of perspective
    By bringing together the diverse viewpoints of your executives, managers, front line workers and even your customers with our business strategists, experience designers, and technologists, solutions can be identified that are not intuitive when viewed through a single lens.
  • Check your ego at the door
    We force hard conversations, push people beyond their comfort zones, and get to the heart of the real issues to uncover the real opportunities. With all the stakeholders in one place and aligned, change happens in days, not months.
  • Give everyone a voice
    The best ideas can come from the least likely places. Through BXT, we create an energetic environment that empowers everyone to confidently contribute to conversations, team up, develop and freely share creative and bold ideas.
  • Infuse a new way of working
    Through rapid prototyping and iterative delivery, we accelerate execution by battle testing ideas right away. The goal is for organizations to learn and work in an agile and adaptive way going forward, whether PwC is there or not.

In two days, we achieved what should have taken three months.

Leading Technology Company

What does BXT do for you?

Breaks Down Silos

When the solution calls for a complete change, we help you set the stakes and break down the barriers to transform your business.

Unearths New Value

You don’t need another analysis of what others are doing or incremental revisions on what already exists. We analyze the data to see beyond improvement to revolution.

Creates your tomorrow

Tomorrow isn’t on a one-year timeline, perfectly crafted and fully formed. What’s next is now; it’s about living in a state of “Think it. Build it. Ship it. Again.”

Contact us

Jörg Thews

Jörg Thews

Partner, Swiss Insurance Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 26 35