Job evaluation with STRATA Intelligence

Building fair and transparent compensation frameworks

What does the job evaluation process consist of?

The systematic job evaluation process is used to define the relative worth or size of jobs within an organisation, with the goal of establishing fair and equitable pay structures.

It involves assessing job complexity, responsibilities, and contributions to the organisation. To determine the relative value of jobs, their content is analysed and compared, rather than evaluating the performance of individuals.

This process plays a crucial role in preventing internal pay disparities, ensuring that the organisation remains compliant as well as competitive in the job market, and promoting transparency.

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Why is it important? 

Unequal pay for roles of comparable value can lead to dissatisfaction, mistrust, and increased absenteeism and turnover rates as employees may feel undervalued. In certain fields and professional sectors, these consequences further intensify pre-existing labor shortages, compounding challenges related to workforce availability, talent retention, and the overall operational capacity of organizations. It also exposes organisations to legal liabilities, particularly concerning equal pay and anti-discrimination laws.

A lack of alignment with market standards can furthermore hinder the organisation’s ability to attract and retain top talent, affecting recruitment efforts, employee retention and competitiveness.

Moreover, ambiguous pay processes erode trust in leadership and HR, potentially fostering perceptions of bias or discrimination. Transparent practices strengthen trust by effectively communicating how pay decisions are made.

Your benefits


Understanding how your pay structure compares with market benchmarks and defining a clear remuneration strategy is essential to attracting skilled employees. This ensures success in a dynamic labour market while balancing personnel costs.


Your employees and stakeholders expect fair and equitable pay for roles of equivalent value. This fosters trust, enhances satisfaction, and reduces risks of turnover.


Transparent pay systems reinforce trust in leadership and HR. A clear rationale for role valuation mitigates perceptions of bias and demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to fairness and accountability.

STRATA Intelligence: Equity through AI

We developed STRATA Intelligence, a powerful AI data-driven tool that streamlines the job evaluation process by over 80%. This time saving allows our experts to focus on collaborating with the people holding in-depth knowledge of the job's requirements to review, adjust and validate the preliminary evaluation to achieve coherent results.

STRATA Intelligence systematically analyses extensive amounts of job data, including transversal insights across the organisation, therefore reducing subjectivity in decision-making and enabling equitable outcomes.

It delivers insights into market trends, enabling organisations to align effectively their compensation structures with external standards.

Additionally, the platform delivers clear, transparent and scalable defensible job evaluation frameworks which foster trust in HR processes and enable consistency at all levels.


Applicable to small, medium, and large companies and public organisations in all sectors. Our goal is to create an evaluation structure that reflects the reality of your organisation. 


Working towards a system that is both acceptable and accepted is key for a successful implementation. Our team leverages our organisational transformation expertise to support you with effectively managing change at every step of the way.


Our approach is transparent to you and your employees. Managers are involved in the job evaluation process. They get to know the system, understand it and are more equipped to support and explain the results of the evaluation to their teams.

Remuneration structure

Benefits structure

HR cost planning

Human resource planning

Career development, succession and rotation

Organisational design

Job architecture and job catalogue

Strategic workforce planning

STRATA methodology

STRATA is a job evaluation methodology developed by PwC that has been used across the globe since more than 25 years. Its multifaceted approach is based on 9 precise, objective, and transparent criteria. Its iterative methodology allows multiple review and validation steps with our clients’ experts teams to review, adjust, and validate the consistency of the results.

* Each scale is composed of several levels that correspond to a defined number of STRATA points. The value of a function is determined by adding up the STRATA points obtained for each criterion.

STRATA dimensions

9 STRATA scales*

Knowledge and skills
  • Technical knowledge
  • Knowledge of the organisation
  • Interpersonal skills
Problem solving
  • Complexity
  • Degree of difficulty
Influence and responsibilities
  • Discretion to make decisions
  • Amount of influence
  • Influence on achievement of objectives
Working conditions
  • Psychosocial, physical, environmental or organisational demands

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Our experts

Johannes (Joop) Smits

Partner, People and Organisation, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 91 64


Kevin Boti

Manager, People and Organisation, Geneva, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 95 14
