Indirect Taxes: VAT & Customs

Getting ahead of the indirect tax challenge

Indirect taxes - including VAT, Goods and Services Tax (GST), sales tax, customs and excise duties - are becoming more prominent and challenging globally. 

Governments are increasingly looking at Indirect taxes as a revenue source and at how reporting and collection can be modernized. In this regard, real-time reporting and e-invoicing are high on the agenda to improve compliance and reduce fraud.

International trade and e-commerce have completely changed how companies and customers are doing business nowadays, with physical and online worlds being highly interconnected. The Covid-19 pandemic appears to be accelerating this process, with companies looking, for instance, into opening up new direct-to-consumer sales channels and creating flexibility in their business and distribution models. These global trends and developments are making indirect taxes particularly relevant for all cross-border businesses, with the result that businesses will have greater responsibility for indirect tax governance.

With tax authorities digitizing compliance and using technology to sharpen their focus and audit interventions, it is more important now than ever to ensure that your indirect tax processes and data are up-to-date and reliable. PwC’s Swiss Indirect Tax Team can guide your company through these global trends and challenges!

Get in touch with our experts

Our services

Our experts will help you maintain control over your entire supply chain and support you in strategic decisions, whereas in the area of Swiss and international VAT, customs procedures, free-trade agreements, export controls, and of course, IT process automation and indirect tax technology. 



6. Schweizer MWST-Tagung 2021

Sie erhalten einen tiefen Einblick in die Praxiserfahrungen von Wirtschaftsvertretern und Beratern. Dabei erfahren Sie, wie bestehende Hürden bewältigt und Chancen erfolgreich ergriffen wurden.

Learn more

(German only)

Brexit trade and cooperation agreement | 21 January 2021

We provide insights and respond to the most asked questions about VAT and customs implications of the Brexit trade and cooperation agreements.

Watch the recording

Global Indirect tax webcast: Brexit trade and cooperation agreement February 23, 2021 

Businesses continue to grapple with the issues concerning the new customs border established between the UK and the EU. 

Watch the recording

Global indirect tax webcast : e-commerce and digital economy update | 16 March 2021

The incredible pace of change in indirect taxes in the areas of e-commerce and the digital economy shows no sign of slowing down. In this webcast we will focus on what we can expect from the UK, EU and North Americas.

Watch the recording

New insights & trends


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Contact us

Contact us

Michaela Merz

Michaela Merz

Partner, Tax & Legal Services, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 44 29

Christoph Schärer

Christoph Schärer

Tax and Legal Innovation, Transformation & Disruption Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 42 82

Dr Sandra Ragaz-Fumia

Dr Sandra Ragaz-Fumia

Partner, Leader Pharma & Life Science – International Indirect Tax & ReguIatory, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 79 792 72 98

Raymond van Sligter

Raymond van Sligter

Partner, International VAT, PwC Switzerland, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 1558

Simeon L. Probst

Simeon L. Probst

Partner, Customs & International Trade, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 53 51