Do you need to optimize your Tax Operations?

With a tax strategy in place, you need to think practically.

How is your tax function going to deliver these services and deliver tangible business value to the organisation? What is the most efficient operating structure, how are processes designed?

You need to think about the following, considering both the current state and how you would like the function to operate in future: 

  • Who we are?
  • What do we deliver?
  • How do we deliver?

To help you think about your answer to these questions, we think about them in four components:

Interested to read more?

Here are a few publications from across our network on the topic of Tax Operations.

Tax organisation design

Flowing from your tax strategy, you will need to think about how the function delivers services. Here, we explore some of the operational choices facing tax specialists.

Tax as a strategic business asset

Tax will need to become a data driven corporate function if it is to remain relevant in this changing tax environment.  Here, we explore how to develop a data and analytics capability in the function.

Tax function of the future

A strong operating model is key to efficient service delivery, and central to this model is the way in which documents are managed, processes supervised, and how tax professionals collaborate. Here, you can have a look at our point of view on how these elements can be optimised.

Smart Business Insight Suite

There are many different tools out there to manage different aspects of the tax process. We have focused ours on simplicity and accessibility. Here, you can read more about Smart Collaboration, Smart TRaC and the Smart Survey.


Do you need to optimize your Tax Operations?

Contact us and learn more about it.


Contact us

Charalambos  Antoniou

Charalambos Antoniou

Partner, Tax Function Design and Tax Transparency Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 47 16

Stuart Jones

Stuart Jones

Partner, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 45 16

Dr. Christian R. Ulbrich

Dr. Christian R. Ulbrich

Manager, Tax and Legal Technology, Strategy and Applications, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 23 16