Tax Strategy and Leadership

Effective Tax Strategy

An effective tax strategy is a combination of different, interlocking elements with varied time horizons. To be effective, all elements on the tax strategy, from long-term vision, to short term objectives, need to drive the organisation in the same direction. Added to this, with this uncertain world, leadership has never been more important. We help organisations develop their tax strategy and ensure it aligns with the corporate strategy, taking into account the specifics of the tax world. 

The world of tax is rapidly changing - we help you understand the impact on tax and plan for a strategy that takes account of the hallmarks of the new world of tax. 


To deliver on strategy, you need the right people.

Your strategy should also address how you will develop the tax professional of the future that your function needs. Here are some of the challenges you will need to address.

How can you own the business partner role?

Business partnering is nothing new in finance.

How do you reskill and upskill your business workforce?

Tax specialists lack the skills and capabilities they will need in the future.

Does your workforce know how to use the new technologies and tools?

Tax professionals should be involved in automation of the tax function.


How and where can tax function attract and recruit the right talents?

Future tax people profiles might not be found in the traditional job market.

How do leaders manage this mindset transition?

Leadership may not know how to lead with an agile culture and entrepreneurial behaviour.

Interested to read more?

Here are a few publications from across our network on the topic of Tax Strategy and Leadership.


Building the case for change

Articulating the benefits of early investment in the tax function can sometimes be hard to do. In this paper, we look at the different options available for tax function change, and how to chose the best option for your organisation. 


Tax strategy and corporate reputation

Tax is increasingly in the spotlight from a media perspective. It is no longer just a technical issue - it is a business issue, with more commentators and stakeholders taking an interest in the taxes paid by corporations. Here, you can read more about it. 

Common tax function KPIs

A core part of securing funding for organisational change is presenting internal stakeholders with a clear and comprehensive way to measure return on investment. Here, we look at some of the common KPIs and how they might be used to measure success of a tax transformation programme.


Assessing the maturity of your tax function

A structured framework is the easiest way to assess the current state of your organisation and define the desired state. Here is a quick look at our proprietary framework, the Tax Management Maturity Model (T3M).

Do you have an effective tax strategy?

Contact us and learn more about it.


Contact our tax experts

Charalambos Antoniou

Partner, Tax Function Design and Tax Transparency Leader, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 47 16


Stuart Jones

Partner, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 45 16
