
Your internship at PwC 

An internship at PwC is different: exciting, diverse and challenging. Whether in audit, tax, consulting or digital services, you will find the internship that fits your educational background and interests. We will give you in-depth insights into our everyday work and support you in gaining as much practical experience as possible.

How do we do this? At PwC, your coach and your buddy are always there to support you – no matter what. It is important to us that you get the most out of your internship, professionally and personally. We want to support you and your development. That’s why our internship programme offers social and networking events and workshops in addition to your daily learning on the job.

We offer internships in all our line of services: Assurance, Tax & Legal Services, Internal Firm Services, Deals, Consulting and Digital Services.

Why an internship at PwC?

Our aim is for you to experience an exciting and challenging internship and to develop personally and professionally. And we want you to get the best out of this experience – together.

Our values and behaviours define us and shape our expectations about working with our clients and each other. So, challenge the status quo and try new things. Innovate, test and learn from failure. Keep an open mind to the possibilities in every idea.

Our internship programme

How everything starts

You are in the driver’s seat of your personal and professional development

Build relationships and learn from peers and colleagues

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Your network for life

The experiences you made at PwC, the relationships and the network you developed and the trust you built within your team have a lasting effect.

After your internship you may not be working at PwC anymore – but you’re still part of our community. That’s why you can become a member of our Talent Community and stay in touch with us.

What's in it for you? A lot:

Stay up to date with our exclusive monthly Talent Community newsletter.

Be active and take part in Alumni networking events.

Receive offers for various positions during and after your studies.

Print your thesis with us and get free office material.

Educate yourself with exclusive trainings.

And stay in touch!

Continuous learning is key to your personal and professional development! Our Internship Programme ensures structured development and valuable first-hand experience, all while having fun with inspirational colleagues.

Séverine Rohner, Head Learning and Development

Stories of our interns

Meet Laetitia 
Meet Wiktoria 

PwC's Internship FAQ

What's the duration of the internship?

The internship has a duration of 6 months.

When does the internship start?

The starting date of your internship is decided by arrangement or as stated on the job ad.

How far do I have to be in my studies to be eligible for an internship?

The internship is for students from the 4th semester at a university or university of applied sciences.

What are the prerequisites?


  • have a good academic record and knowledge of English
  • are a team player with strong interpersonal skills
  • can identify yourself with our purpose and values
  • are motivated, eager to learn and willing to create added value for our clients.

With which field of studies can I apply for an internship?

Preferably you are studying business, economics, law, informatics, mathematics, physics or life sciences, but we are also open to other field of studies.

Do you offer part-time internships?

All our internships are full time (100%) employments.

How does the application process look like?

Learn here more about the stages your application will pass through, about our selection criteria for new hires, and what we value in our new colleagues.

How to prepare for my internship at PwC?

Use our Virtual Case Experience to work on simulated client projects virtually, from wherever you are and on your own time. You’ll get instructions from real PwC staff, to master the virtual client case and experience what we do and how we help our clients firsthand.

Contact us

Lisa Baumann

Talent Acquisition – Recruiter Assurance, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 49 99


Celina Anna Heutschi

Talent Acquisition – Recruiter Tax and Legal Services, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 49 99


Majulia Manokarathas

Talent Acquisition – Recruiter Advisory, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 49 99


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