Data Management, Architecture and Platforms

We bring unique capabilities and deep expertise to data and digital platform strategy and development.

For many organisations, one of the biggest roadblocks is their own technology landscape. Legacy systems, fragmented technologies and data that is localised – and hard to share – become a hindrance, not an accelerator. 

Over the past few years, businesses had to move quickly to deploy new data technologies on top of their already aging legacy systems. Such technical additions have increased the complexity of the data landscape and operations, often resulting in the opposite of what they initially promised. 

Hence, for companies to build a competitive edge, a new approach to defining, implementing and integrating data is required.

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Our services and solutions

Together with the entire Data Transformation & Analytics team, we bring unique capabilities and deep expertise to data and digital platform strategy and development. We count data architects, data integration and migration experts, and technology and cloud specialists among our data and digital platform consultants.

Emerging governance, tools, and processes to support management and utilization of enterprise data assets

Accelerate your data transformation and drive innovation

Assess your cloud readiness and design data platforms that leverage cloud technologies

Support stock exchanges, regulators or banks to transform or enhance their trade surveillance operation

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Your benefits

Speed to insights

Decrease latency and delays in the entire data value chain to drive actionable insights and proactively captain your business. Faster time-to-market will drive increased economies of scale.

Business Resiliency

Cloud data platforms provide stability and continuity of business-critical data flows in accordance with rigorous compliance standards.

Trustworthy data

Reduce the duplication of data, logic and effort across the business. Generate insights with confidence: consistent reporting of key business metrics as your business evolves.


Reduce the boundaries to access your data and allow for agile data exploration to foster data-driven innovation.

“Now more than ever, organisations need a data strategy that enables speed and the agility to be adaptable. As companies are swiftly moving their data to the cloud, we see a growing need to have a future-proof data architecture allowing them to do their analytics based on a variety of data sources.”

Matthias LeyboldPartner, Data Transformation & Analytics Leader, PwC Switzerland

What our client says

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Sarah Muster
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Our Alliances and Partners

microsoft azure

Data Innovation Alliance

We are a gold member of the ‘data innovation alliance’ with the aim to help companies develop new products and services. A leader in developing D&A strategies that bring value to our clients and deliver tangible outcomes. 

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Our Technology Partners

Your business transformation needs are the reason why we have developed strong alliances with some of today’s leading technology companies, like SAP, Salesforce and Microsoft. By combining PwC’s know-how and experience with our partners’ technology, we can help you solve your most critical business issues. 

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Our Community of Solvers

By coordinating the expertise of a community of solvers across our organisation ‒ in areas as business strategy, IT, customer transformation, legal, etc. ‒ we can help you make the right decisions throughout your business transformation, from data strategy to operations and performance measurement.

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Data Transformation & Analytics Insights

Contact us

Do you want to learn more about Data Management, Architecture or Platforms? If you have any questions, we will give you an answer immediately. And we are constantly developing solutions in real time so that we can respond to new needs at any time.

Contact us

Matthias Leybold

Matthias Leybold

Partner, Cloud & Digital, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 13 96

Joscha Milinski

Joscha Milinski

Partner and Data Strategy & Management Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 23 58

Nicolas Nussbaumer

Nicolas Nussbaumer

Senior Manager, Data Transformation & Analytics, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 43 31