Business Intelligence & Analytics: Turn raw data into remarkable outcomes

Unlock the full potential of business intelligence to accelerate business value with data

How can businesses bring their data to life that lead to a competitive edge? 

In today’s digital economy, real-time agility has become essential. The faster an organisation can respond to events as they evolve, the better it can compete. And that means delivering data – all types of data, whether historical or real-time, from any source – to the right users at the right times, in a way that enables them to act. 

Traditional business intelligence (BI) can’t deliver on those demands. Its passive approach – which delays the delivery of data, doesn’t enable users to explore freely, fails to embed data and analytics in workflows, and requires power users and specialists – is far too slow and limited. Users are asking for, and businesses need, a much more dynamic relationship with information.

One where data has high business value because it reflects the current moment; where it flows continuously into everyday processes; where users can engage with it in intuitive ways at any time; and where it creates ongoing, in-the-moment awareness about every aspect of the business and the market. 

With our business intelligence methodology, we’re evolving traditional, passive BI into a new approach based on continuous intelligence from real-time, up-to-date information, designed to trigger immediate action. 

To do this, we focus on closing the gaps in a number of areas that commonly challenge organisations. This includes the difference between relevant data and actionable data, the journey from actionable data to actionable insights, and finally the gap between insight and value.

What we offer

Organisations collect huge amounts of data. But, most of the data that can guide decisions and actions isn’t analytics-ready or accessible. We consult and operationalise DataOps for analytics, turning raw data into trusted, actionable data that’s easy to find, current, and immediately available to any analytics solution, and beyond — on any cloud you choose.

  • Streaming data pipelines with change data capture
  • Automate the process from raw to analytics-ready data
  • Make data easily accessible with an enterprise data catalogue 

Our business intelligence methodology ensures state-of-the-art information processing and consumption. We help you empower users at any skill level to freely explore data, and combine this with powerful AI capabilities. And we draw on our broad industry and technology expertise to enable you to bring actionable insights into every decision you make.

  • Explore without boundaries – 360-degree vision into your business operations and processes
  • Augmented analytics to accelerate discoveries, automating processes and surfacing contextual insights
  • Embed insights right at the point of decision by embedding analytics directly into applications and business processes so that actions are immediately driven by insights

Transforming your organisation with data is as much about people as it is technology. We take a holistic approach to client success focused on helping you build a data-driven culture to maximise the value of your investments in people, technology and processes. In particular, we help you address the people dimension to get the greatest impact out of your technology and processes.

We’ve seen the way the ability to read, work with, analyse and communicate with data empowers individuals and teams to transform businesses. For this reason our offering includes services to help you and your people embrace a data literacy strategy to take your enterprise another step forward on your data-driven journey:

  • Personalised, bundled strategic data literacy enablement services aligned with your business goals, fast tracking you to achievement
  • Empower your people to use data for advantage
  • Comprehensive, product-agnostic, data literacy education and consulting services

Your benefits

Our aim is to help you tackle the complex challenges of transforming your data into business value. You’ll reap multiple benefits: 

Close the gaps

We help you close gaps across your data pipeline:

  • Turning your raw data into informed action
  • Freeing data from its siloes, so your users can easily find it
  • Understanding data, so users can take action from it

Open the value

You benefit from a true end-to-end solution and methodology that includes:

  • A data integration platform to bring all data sources together
  • A data analytics portfolio to transform data into insight
  • A data literacy as a service approach to build a data-driven culture

Act in time

You’ll benefit from ‘active intelligence’, and the ability to

  • Harness all the right data to deliver the best insights
  • Understand your data and take action in real time
  • Manage your data at the speed of business

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Would you like to know more? Just ask us.

Contact us

Christoph Schärer

Christoph Schärer

Tax and Legal Innovation, Transformation & Disruption Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 42 82

Fatih Sahin

Fatih Sahin

Director, AI & Data Leader Tax & Legal Services, PwC Switzerland

Tel: +41 58 792 48 28