Partner, Deals Leader, PwC Switzerland
He has more than 22 years’ experience in corporate finance and valuation, bringing forth a broad industry background with a special focus on energy, power & utility. Currently he is the Deals & Valuation Leader and a Partner at PwC Switzerland as well as a Member of PwC Europe Deals, leading a team of 150+ employees. They support their clients in transaction-related business questions, e.g. M&A, valuation, due diligence, transaction structuring as well as financing and negotiation support. Furthermore, he has been a regular guest speaker regarding various topics at events such as Euroforum, ZfU Seminars, ETH, University of Zurich and Stromkongress.
Actively considering his team members' individual expertise and personalities enables him to deliver the best possible results for both his clients and his team members. He sees his role as the one making sure that they have the right environment, people & skills for them to achieve and often exceed their clients’ expectations. His team members need to be supported and that means not only on a professional level but also on a personal level. He fosters trust and transparency, which means to sometimes engage in critical discussions as well as delivering open and honest, but considerate feedback.
He offers thought leadership on the Energy, Power & Utility Industry, on topics regarding the transaction business as well as various sustainability topics based on his experience as sustainability leader in PwC Switzerland. He is always interested in discussing the current challenges, interests and needs in today‘s age of Digital Transformation, where he readily draws from his background as a former CDO.
Recent momentum in the M&A market is being fuelled by several key factors, including an intense CEO focus on growth and transformation in an era of artificial...
Whether it's a succession plan, an acquisition or a merger, we can always help you secure an optimal outcome.