Thomas Romer

Thomas Romer

Partner, Assurance, PwC Switzerland

As a Swiss certified public accountant, Thomas has spent more than 30 years advising and auditing clients in the Banking and Asset & Wealth Management sector and has been a Partner at PwC Switzerland since 2004. He has in-depth experience in leading financial audits of large international clients in accordance with IFRS. Thomas is also accredited to conduct regulatory audits for banking institutions under the FINMA supervisory concept. Thomas has served as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of EXPERTsuisse, the Swiss Expert Association for Audit, Tax and Fiduciary, since 2017. He is also responsible for the strategic agenda at EXPERTsuisse on topics with financial market relevance to stakeholders such as FINMA or the FAOA.

Thomas is highly interested in the future of the financial services market and the impact it has on the environment and society.

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