
Plan de relève, vente ou acquisition d’une entreprise : nous vous soutenons pour toute question relative à des transactions corporatives.

Deals réussies avec PwC

Plan de relève, vente ou acquisition d’une entreprise : nous vous soutenons pour toute question relative à des transactions corporatives. Nous évaluons votre entreprise et vous expliquons les problèmes, opportunités et risques associés aux transactions.

Nos services comprennent également une analyse financière exhaustive. Bien sûr, nous considérons également les conditions juridiques et fiscales. Nous prenons également en compte votre culture d'entreprise actuelle et votre style de gestion. Car c’est uniquement en faisant preuve de tact avec les parties intéressées que nous pouvons ensemble remporter de nouveaux défis

PwC classée n° 1 des conseillers en M&A sur le marché intermédiaire en termes de volume pour 2024

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que l’équipe Corporate Finance de PwC a été classée n° 1 des conseillers en fusions et acquisitions en termes de volume pour 2024 en Suisse et dans le monde par Mergermarket.

En savoir plus

The best possible outcome with PwC

Our deals expertise in everything from succession planning to corporate sales and acquisitions is dedicated to delivering the best possible outcome. We can evaluate your business and clarify the opportunities and risks associated with any proposed transaction. Throughout the process we’ll provide trusted, differentiated insights to help you make the right decisions about deploying your capital responsibly to create sustained value.

Done properly, deals are a great way of creating growth, innovation, jobs and wealth. We work with you throughout your ownership to help you add value in multiple dimensions.

Organisations are increasingly held to account. Besides their financial performance, they’re judged by their impact on the broader economy, the environment and the community. So we help you do deals that generate stakeholder value and build trust. This includes assessing the legal and tax implications and reviewing your management style and corporate culture. With a carefully nuanced strategy, you’ll find it easier to get all the relevant stakeholders on board, including employees, pension holders, communities, regulators and the tax authorities. 

Find your deals expert

Deals partners

What are your deal needs?

Our services: everything geared to the best possible outcome

From acquisitions and carve-outs of business divisions to restructuring, financing, IPOs, international tax law and integrations, our services help you minimise the risks of the transaction you’re planning and maximise the value it creates, now and going forward. 

Why should you choose PwC?

 We think wider, deeper and cover more of the angles.

Our Deals team realises that in an environment of increasing complexity, change and accountability, your success relies on earning trust and delivering sustained outcomes. We help you do deals that serve your purpose and values and those of your stakeholders ‒ to enrich your business, the broader economy and society.

We combine our people’s expertise, our advanced tech capabilities and our business know-how to help you create value, now and tomorrow. Our Deals team has extensive industry and technology expertise and draws on the experience of more than 250 specialists in Switzerland alone. We listen closely to understand your circumstances and objectives. Whether we’re dealing with the legal, tax, strategic or technical aspects of your deal, our work is aligned to your values and objectives.

Whatever phase we’re at in your transaction, we always have the next steps in view and consult with you closely. Thanks to the latest deal and analytics technologies, we can evaluate your data more quickly and keep you in the picture with transparent, real-time data visualisation.

Parlez avec un expert

Whether you are buying or selling, you can rely on PwC’s Deals team. Our clients’ trust has made us the world’s leading transaction adviser.

Nous contacter

Marc Schmidli

Marc Schmidli

Partner, Deals Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel : +41 58 792 15 64

Christoph Baertz

Christoph Baertz

Partner, Leader Financial Services Deals, PwC Switzerland

Tel : +41 79 598 71 83

Sascha Beer

Sascha Beer

Partner, Corporate Finance / M&A Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel : +41 58 792 15 39

Frank Minder

Frank Minder

Partner, Transaction Services Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel : +41 58 792 14 57

Claude Fuhrer

Claude Fuhrer

Partner, Deals Strategy & Operations Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel : +41 58 792 14 23

Christophe Bourgoin

Christophe Bourgoin

Partner, Finance Transformation Platform Leader and Sustainability Platform Leader, PwC Switzerland

Tel : +41 58 792 25 37

Matthias  Marbach

Matthias Marbach

Partner, Leader Deals Tax, PwC Switzerland

Tel : +41 58 792 44 76